
Review Detail of TheBearB13 in Is this Love?...Or are the Chemical Impulses Driving my Every Whim?



~Provides thoughts on entire story, spoilers limited though spoiler 'tag' checked just in case~ This is not my typical read, however I saw that it was short and liked other works by the author so I gave it a whirl. Very well written story, as I have noted in the past I continue to appreciate the descriptive writing though it is difficult to truly 'judge' characters and the world itself within short stories. I am always for more world development, though was pleased with 'what I got' so-to-speak. One can clearly see an appreciation for the field of science within the story, that coupled with Kaylen's personality, and the world built up around her and Diedrich's research left me feeling entertained and was quite endearing. I felt the research/potentially the story itself was mildly rushed around Chapter 7 (onward?) though that did not negate the impact felt while reading. It wraps things up nicely with a look forward; well done. My only (minor) issue, beyond potential rushing, would be words missing from some sentences (glossed over grammatical error) or the rare incorrect pronoun used─ certainly nothing that detracted from the story though as the writing itself is superb.

Is this Love?...Or are the Chemical Impulses Driving my Every Whim?






Thanks for the review. I wrote this one close to when I first started writing, just as a dare when someone asked me to write a romance for a Valentine's Day theme. It wasn't something I was comfortable with at the time, so it is completely unedited and unpolished. And as you could tell, I kind of just wanted to wrap it up and move on. Relieved that it left you somewhat entertained at least.


Worth the read in my book, and bravo to you for going outside your comfort zone in writing. If this was an early work then it definitely helped with later works, romance tends to touch even the darkest of plots in some manner and for those that have none, comfort writing romance can lead to better descriptions/fluidity with other deep emotions. Anyways; rambling... off to consume more of my 'typical' novels!

kazesenken:Thanks for the review. I wrote this one close to when I first started writing, just as a dare when someone asked me to write a romance for a Valentine's Day theme. It wasn't something I was comfortable with at the time, so it is completely unedited and unpolished. And as you could tell, I kind of just wanted to wrap it up and move on. Relieved that it left you somewhat entertained at least.