
Review Detail of MilordInk in Sacred Souls: Genesis



An exceptional easy-to-read novel, that takes a trope commonly used, and well breathes new life into it. A different(not really) type of review this time. 'Sacred Souls A Genesis' combines the tropes of transmigration, game-type system/world, and alien threats into one. As the synopsis said, the MC came to a Earth-like world that is threatened with being devoured by other worlds. A goddess is bound to his soul (because why not) and she is trying to protect this new world because if it goes, MC and everyone else dies like her last world(ofc). To stop this, the MC and the lazy, couch potato (most of the time) goddess devised a game to power up the gamers that are chosen to protect the world. When the invading worlds then begin their attack, the gamers are brought over to the invasion point to do battle with their game avatars that are summoned. From the gamer's POV, it's like a nth times better, looting MMORPG P*kemon GO- in an advanced world with AI and VR- like a hundred-years-from-now setting. At this point, this novel includes so many genres I can't name them all. SO! Do yourself a favor and take this novel for a spin, since it really is one of the better novels out on Qidian. I can't find any real faults to this novel since the author does a great job of patching up plot holes and fleshing out the WBG (World Backg.) On this site where tropes are overused- never reinvented, or rewritten to seem unique, I promise this will be different. (Ahem, when this review was written, I've only read 43 chapters(since I need to save coins, and only use fast-pass on these sorts of things) so further on in the novel progression, the novel can change.) Give it a chance, my fellow readers. Give it a chance, and discover the lovely story that it is. I did, and I haven't regretted it.

Sacred Souls: Genesis

Sister’s Bride





Also, I like my reviews. Like it too, and I'll forgive you for not posting a review too(have to support the translators, and that exp- we have our own leveling to do.) Double also, there is one thing I do regret about reading this novel. (my god, I really want to binge all 60 chapters right now. I really do, but my coins can't cover that. The fear of no coins is what I fear more than finals or not getting that last cookie. You know I'm right. I know I'm right. Therefore I am right. haha) BEFORE ANYONE ASKS- No, I don't see a harem. The skies seem clear of romance at this point, even the potato goddess is a partner of MC- like a non-romantic childhood friend who knows all your secrets, won't think twice to sell you out for food haha.


This is definitely not an easy to read novel. Easy for you, fine, but for many other people, not so much. The author (or at least the translator) makes sht so confusing in the first few chapters, and they aren't shy on using exposition dumps inelegantly. Honestly, reading 10 chapters of this is an absolute chore.


That's fine. I just believe it's easy to read because I have seen good novels, and I've seen the bad ones, and on the whole scale of things, this novel is easy to read compared to everything else out there. At the end, the point I wanted make clear in this review is to know if you will like it, you need to read it. Whether it's a good one or not, it is up to you to decide. So yeah, there's not much more to be said. I appreciate the reply though, since I do realize that my review sounds biased.

SauceMaster64:This is definitely not an easy to read novel. Easy for you, fine, but for many other people, not so much. The author (or at least the translator) makes sht so confusing in the first few chapters, and they aren't shy on using exposition dumps inelegantly. Honestly, reading 10 chapters of this is an absolute chore.

As for info dumps- I have seen some of the worst in my search for worthy novels- and by comparison, this novel does them fine.

MilordInk:That's fine. I just believe it's easy to read because I have seen good novels, and I've seen the bad ones, and on the whole scale of things, this novel is easy to read compared to everything else out there. At the end, the point I wanted make clear in this review is to know if you will like it, you need to read it. Whether it's a good one or not, it is up to you to decide. So yeah, there's not much more to be said. I appreciate the reply though, since I do realize that my review sounds biased.

literal translation* i dont have discord (you may view me less than human because almost everyone on here has discord) and no insta (its official I can't be person, everyone has insta or had it...) haha. I'm a book deprived ink blob now.


I think there is no need. I will just tell you the steps: 1: download [parallel space] also [parallel space 64 support] 》》 this app is like downloading WN on different device, you will understand after you download it. 2: download [temp mail] 》》 this app is for giving a temporary email for ten minutes. and now is the actual method::: as you know, by inviting a new friend and him using your code, you will get a 50 coins and three fast pass. and this method simply speaking is creating a new account every day and doing the invitation code to get 50 coins daily. but please know that is not enough if you want to do it more than once. than you need to take extra steps. 1: you need to go to settings>> apps>> parallel space >> storage>> {clear data} (do the same thing for Parallel Space 64 support) 2: you also need to to files>> local storage>> and {delete} the Parallel Space file. if that doesn't work, I have a record how to do the method. I will just upload it to firebase or something website for uploading videos.

MilordInk:literal translation* i dont have discord (you may view me less than human because almost everyone on here has discord) and no insta (its official I can't be person, everyone has insta or had it...) haha. I'm a book deprived ink blob now.

it will take less than two minutes. and also you can do it for your other accounts.

MilordInk:literal translation* i dont have discord (you may view me less than human because almost everyone on here has discord) and no insta (its official I can't be person, everyone has insta or had it...) haha. I'm a book deprived ink blob now.

oh. never seen those apps, but ill do my own research, and see if I can. Thxs. truly a good devil haha.

The_Good_Devil:I think there is no need. I will just tell you the steps: 1: download [parallel space] also [parallel space 64 support] 》》 this app is like downloading WN on different device, you will understand after you download it. 2: download [temp mail] 》》 this app is for giving a temporary email for ten minutes. and now is the actual method::: as you know, by inviting a new friend and him using your code, you will get a 50 coins and three fast pass. and this method simply speaking is creating a new account every day and doing the invitation code to get 50 coins daily. but please know that is not enough if you want to do it more than once. than you need to take extra steps. 1: you need to go to settings>> apps>> parallel space >> storage>> {clear data} (do the same thing for Parallel Space 64 support) 2: you also need to to files>> local storage>> and {delete} the Parallel Space file. if that doesn't work, I have a record how to do the method. I will just upload it to firebase or something website for uploading videos.

Bagus joo