
Review Detail of Arkinslize in The Oracle Paths



Hello, shameless review from the Author. I can't give myself full marks as my english is far from perfect. However, i hope you will be able to enjoy this story despite its shortcomings. Here are a few more informations about this novel. I read many webnovels, from eastern/ western fantasy, to apocalypse stories, with System and Video-games sub-genre from time to time. After reading so much, i have developed a vision quite precise of what i'm seeking for in a story. The start of this story is slow, with maybe too many info blocks in the first few chapters, but it will only improve after. Survival, System and Apocalypse are the dominant themes. However, you will find at some point similarities (but very different in the facts) with other webnovels like Devil's Cage, Terror infinity and Ultimate evolution. The difference is that it will only be one aspect of the story. There is one central Romance, no Harem. There will potentially be several love interests in the story, but as in real life we meet people and things happen or not. As a Survival story, there is a Game of Throne/ Walking Dead feel that can't be avoided. Not everyone can survive but the deaths are not distributed like candies either. At last, i attach a lot of importance to coherence. If you notice any incoherences, don't hesitate to point it out. It will be quickly fixed.

The Oracle Paths






Hello fellow french daoist, I really like reading your novel ! I like how the smarter it gets, the better he plays. The point of view let us discover and unravel mysteries along with the MC that's really nice. Bonus point : I can feel how other stories shaped your writing, and we loved the same LN ^^


how heavy is the romance in the story? is it a central theme or just a sub plot?


the story follows his own plot, but romance will have his card to play in it. However, if you're looking for a full romance story where everything revolves around it, it is probably not a story for you.

Space_Fox:how heavy is the romance in the story? is it a central theme or just a sub plot?

Where does the MC fall into the line of personalities? Like hero, antihero, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil etc..


I would say that he is chaotic neutral. Normal moral value, but acting mostly for himself. But not a psychopath or a sociopath. The thing is the more he evolves, the smarter he will be and the colder he will behave. He will help people if he can, but not if it compromise his benefits or safety. To take extreme examples, he will save the damsel in distress if it happens before him, but wouldn't try to save every slave in a nation that allows it. He could even buy some if it serves his need.

Space_Fox:Where does the MC fall into the line of personalities? Like hero, antihero, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil etc..

I’m glad he doesn’t have a hero complex those destroy a story for me.

Arkinslize:I would say that he is chaotic neutral. Normal moral value, but acting mostly for himself. But not a psychopath or a sociopath. The thing is the more he evolves, the smarter he will be and the colder he will behave. He will help people if he can, but not if it compromise his benefits or safety. To take extreme examples, he will save the damsel in distress if it happens before him, but wouldn't try to save every slave in a nation that allows it. He could even buy some if it serves his need.

bon pour l instant j ai bcp


Good job u seem to know what u r doing so I’m gonna try it I might get some ideas I’ve been thinking of making a story myself so I’m concentrating on trying to take ideas and turn them original and not imitation so I feel like ur story will help so thx and thx very much that there isn’t harem

Arkinslize:I would say that he is chaotic neutral. Normal moral value, but acting mostly for himself. But not a psychopath or a sociopath. The thing is the more he evolves, the smarter he will be and the colder he will behave. He will help people if he can, but not if it compromise his benefits or safety. To take extreme examples, he will save the damsel in distress if it happens before him, but wouldn't try to save every slave in a nation that allows it. He could even buy some if it serves his need.

it not bl right ? ....cause alot novel i read that are good most are bl :') got too much trauma from that since i am not a fan of bl


Absolutely not. There's a specific genre/tag for these novels.

YumGod:it not bl right ? ....cause alot novel i read that are good most are bl :') got too much trauma from that since i am not a fan of bl

What is bl?

YumGod:it not bl right ? ....cause alot novel i read that are good most are bl :') got too much trauma from that since i am not a fan of bl

bl = boy love aka yaoi

bald_daoist:What is bl?

Oh i see. And here I thought it was b*llsh*t love.

YumGod:bl = boy love aka yaoi

Ahh, enfin un français qui écrit un light novel, je pensais que ça n’allait pas arriver.


Hey my friends made a book named Story of legends i highly recommend it that book was so amazing and fun to read and nice comment


H man just trying to post a reply like pllzzzzz let me ajfvdisbd


Is this otp/harem/more than one LI?


It's hard to find stories on QI that feel like they'd be a genuinely good read. I haven't read this yet, but everything you've written here sounds like what I'd want out of a book, especially the willingness to go back and fix mistakes. I am ok with bad grammar, though I will try to point it out when I see it. The fact that you care about coherency elevates this story above most on the website, and I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for caring.


keep going man


THIS IS A MASTERPIECE..I really love it.The story is a slow place but I have never gotten bored,it explains each and every situation and most importantly its consistent it maintains its story throughout the whole story