
Review Detail of XArezzX in Rupegia



You see, I found this novel and start reading it, it was pretty good, and the chapters are ridiculously long (This is a very good thing btw), but, at some point the arem gets into lesbianism, I mean, the MC it's practically irrelevant at some point between "His women" and I reaaaly hate it, Hana and Roxanne seems to just be with the MC because Hana is still her slave and they need a random dick once in a while, I read till chapter 29 ..... please someone tell me if this continues or not, I love the story, but I'm not wasting my time with this NTR (Yes is ntr when anyone else cucks you, and that's what they do, the cuddle each other and sleep alone, **** alone etc, and the MC does nothing)







"CLEARLY"????????? The one thing that is clear here is that you didn't read the story. Get out.

Freix_Gren:It clearly doesnt show that Wolf stays in the top, more like the dominant girls in his harem is at the top and Wolf is at the lowest place

It's group marriage, not NTR. Wolf still remains at the top, but they all find ways to love each other.


That's a lame excuse,I skip till the Kate's chapters a bit, and Hana says she wants her own Harem lmao, like, she just want to robe the girls, she even says she misses Roxanne and the MCs Dick, just his dick tho.... that's the participants don't like, like I said, they think "oh wolfy bla bla" but think shit of him and just get wet with the other girls but oh well

Manasong:It's group marriage, not NTR. Wolf still remains at the top, but they all find ways to love each other.

Late chapters*

XArezzX:That's a lame excuse,I skip till the Kate's chapters a bit, and Hana says she wants her own Harem lmao, like, she just want to robe the girls, she even says she misses Roxanne and the MCs Dick, just his dick tho.... that's the participants don't like, like I said, they think "oh wolfy bla bla" but think shit of him and just get wet with the other girls but oh well

They're just teasing him. For the rules of the harem, the girls are allowed to sleep with other women, just like Wolf is, but no man will ever join them. Their relationship is partially open and with well-defined limits, but it isn't NTR, that has very specific connotations that don't apply here. At most, they're swingers. Thinking this is NTR is rather close-minded, and it doesn't change that the NTR tag would never apply to this if this was straight-up hentai uploaded somewhere. I don't understand how people don't see how they love Wolf with all the attention they give him (teasing and banter is attention and it's how Hana and Roxanne, mostly Roxanne with the banter, show affection).

XArezzX:That's a lame excuse,I skip till the Kate's chapters a bit, and Hana says she wants her own Harem lmao, like, she just want to robe the girls, she even says she misses Roxanne and the MCs Dick, just his dick tho.... that's the participants don't like, like I said, they think "oh wolfy bla bla" but think shit of him and just get wet with the other girls but oh well

Which chapter?

XArezzX:That's a lame excuse,I skip till the Kate's chapters a bit, and Hana says she wants her own Harem lmao, like, she just want to robe the girls, she even says she misses Roxanne and the MCs Dick, just his dick tho.... that's the participants don't like, like I said, they think "oh wolfy bla bla" but think shit of him and just get wet with the other girls but oh well

There is a typo there... its "late chapters" and the chapter she se said that is 182 Trials - Hana

MoonSon:Which chapter?

Retarded excuse my dude

Manasong:It's group marriage, not NTR. Wolf still remains at the top, but they all find ways to love each other.

It clearly doesnt show that Wolf stays in the top, more like the dominant girls in his harem is at the top and Wolf is at the lowest place

Manasong:It's group marriage, not NTR. Wolf still remains at the top, but they all find ways to love each other.


Freix_Gren:Retarded excuse my dude

I haven’t even read this story but put yourself in your mc’s shoes and be honest, is this truly how you would act and would you tolerate being basically used as a *** toy every once in a while? From what I’m seeing in the reviews. No matter how “open-minded” you are you would still feel either jealous or frustrated that you other FEMALE harem member get to have *** with each othet more than you do. I think this is what the people who are reading this are trying to say but they’re just frustrated from having to read a story that they believe started off good have something like that in it. I haven’t read it yet and I probably won’t so I don’t have all the “facts” so maybe the idea sounded better in your head but it was executed wrong. I’m not trying to be a dićk man and I’m sure those guys aren’t either but when you really get into a story you tend to put yourself in the mc’s shoes since you’ve been there with him since day one and know what he’s been through and everything about him so when something bad happens to him or something that you don’t believe is right happens it’s very hard to continue reading. If you can 100% say that you would like to be treated the same way your mc is being treated then nobody would complain about it again since its just one of your kinks and if they don’t agree then they just shouldn’t read it. You should probably put it in the summary too so people know what they’re getting into. Hope you don’t get discouraged and drop the story because of a few bad reviews because I’m sure there are many people that enjoy this 🙏 Good luck bro

Manasong:They're just teasing him. For the rules of the harem, the girls are allowed to sleep with other women, just like Wolf is, but no man will ever join them. Their relationship is partially open and with well-defined limits, but it isn't NTR, that has very specific connotations that don't apply here. At most, they're swingers. Thinking this is NTR is rather close-minded, and it doesn't change that the NTR tag would never apply to this if this was straight-up hentai uploaded somewhere. I don't understand how people don't see how they love Wolf with all the attention they give him (teasing and banter is attention and it's how Hana and Roxanne, mostly Roxanne with the banter, show affection).

The words you yourself just used are very important. The story is tagged as a harem but then you say it’s “partially open”, it’s either open or not, lol. The story allows the women Wolf should have as wives to establish their own independent emotional and sexual relationships with as long as there are no other males. That takes things beyond the bounds of a harem and makes them an open poly relationship since you’re essentially removing Wolf as head of the harem and removing the exclusivity that should go along with a harem as well. Just because they’re forming relationships with women instead of men doesn’t prevent things like cucking, cheating, adultery, unfaithfulness, NTR, etc from occurring. I’m not saying this story has them, just that the gender of who his women are sleeping around with and falling in love with doesn’t change the fact that they’re doing it, which changes things from Wolf having a harem to Wolf being in an open polyamorous relationship with those women. Also, you yourself have said that it’s an open relationship and they’re swingers and you’ve got Wolf’s wives/women forming relationships with people other than him so that can’t at the same time be a harem relationship denotes exclusivity within the harem, otherwise there would be no point to it. A harem denotes a relationship where you’ve got a head of the harem, which should be Wolf, who has any number of wives/women who are exclusive with him. However, in this particular story that’s not the case as his women are allowed to enter into other relationships with people that aren’t him as long as they’re with other women. It’s missing the faithfulness and exclusivity that should come from being in a harem relationship with Wolf. Since if everyone is still free to go love and sleep with anyone else it defeats the purpose of the harem label and defining the relationship. Anyway, best of luck with your story.

Manasong:They're just teasing him. For the rules of the harem, the girls are allowed to sleep with other women, just like Wolf is, but no man will ever join them. Their relationship is partially open and with well-defined limits, but it isn't NTR, that has very specific connotations that don't apply here. At most, they're swingers. Thinking this is NTR is rather close-minded, and it doesn't change that the NTR tag would never apply to this if this was straight-up hentai uploaded somewhere. I don't understand how people don't see how they love Wolf with all the attention they give him (teasing and banter is attention and it's how Hana and Roxanne, mostly Roxanne with the banter, show affection).

I decided to take a short break from reading the early chapters to check out some of the reviews after Hana showed up and I'm really happy I did. There are a few like this one and I've learned this story doesn't truly have a harem, just something fairly similar, but different enough to put me off continuing the novel. Thanks everyone for forcing the author to be honest about what happens in the story. Harem tag should be removed, but I guess that's not going to happen.