
Review Detail of CCVD in Demon's Virtue



Read till chapter 280- ish It is not bad, the concept is interesting and the world background is not bad. The way it is written is ok at the start, but at some point it just gets annoying. The words "annoying" and "really", atleast now in the later chapters, is used way too much that it ruins the reading experience for me. I assume it is used to get a laidback aura on the MC, which comes out some times, but mostly used too much. Personal preferences is to not have to much happen at once regarding the biggest background plot, which i believe worked out nicely in this novel. However, the smaller plots (the last one) is drawn out too much which also ruins the experience for me a bit. It is also written to detaild where it was not nessesary, again which makes the experience less enjoyable than wished for and, maybe just me, a bit hard to follow or bother to follow.

Demon's Virtue






I agree with you but I mainly noticed this issue in later chapters. I can gloss over some overexplained stuff, but not when the author releases one chapter a month and doesn’t give any reason to the people paying to read. I dropped the book because the author’s shitty schedule appeared during one of the overexplained chapters. I wish you good luck finding a good book with consistency I personally favor supreme magus.


Do note that I binge read the novel until chapter 270, and then i got fed up with the writing. And yes, pretty sure it was the writing as I binge read another novel til chapter 525, which also had a annoying translation by using the word frantically for everything instead of, hurriedly, quickly, anxiously, etc. which ruined the reading experience, but was more readable because it was not too detailed. Details where it was necessary, but not too much. Unfortunalty it seems the translation has gone over to machine translated for that particular novel.


You stopped reading because it got pretty BS around the 270 mark. Too much for someone to suspend their disbelief. Keep scrolling, everyone that drops it, drops it around the 270 mark. For the same reason too.

CCVD:Do note that I binge read the novel until chapter 270, and then i got fed up with the writing. And yes, pretty sure it was the writing as I binge read another novel til chapter 525, which also had a annoying translation by using the word frantically for everything instead of, hurriedly, quickly, anxiously, etc. which ruined the reading experience, but was more readable because it was not too detailed. Details where it was necessary, but not too much. Unfortunalty it seems the translation has gone over to machine translated for that particular novel.