
Review Detail of Edward98 in Endless Adventure



There are a lot of interesting ideas, but there are many more problems, from incoherence and plot holes to a flat MC and more, I just read the first 15 chapters but there were too many problems to continue. It’s a pity, because I think it’s a story with some potential, but it should be rewritten from the first chapter. I know that this is the author first novel, so I hope that he will takes this novel as valuable experience and try to rewrite it completely or write something new when he feels ready.

Endless Adventure






The good point were: 1. He explains the world so that everybody can read it and not only the superfan of HxH (by the way I’m one of those fans) 2. It’s interesting the idea of not limiting the story to only one fictional world. 3. Some parts were funny. 4. The writing was quite dynamic, even if maybe a little too much, it’s good to have a fast pace at the beginning, but something were a little bit rushed. 5. I love HxH, I never liked fan-fiction, but for one about HxH I can make an exception. He should pretty much rewrite everything else.




you litterally csnt justify not liking fan fiction...i mean there is no possible way to justify that stance...

Edward98:The good point were: 1. He explains the world so that everybody can read it and not only the superfan of HxH (by the way I’m one of those fans) 2. It’s interesting the idea of not limiting the story to only one fictional world. 3. Some parts were funny. 4. The writing was quite dynamic, even if maybe a little too much, it’s good to have a fast pace at the beginning, but something were a little bit rushed. 5. I love HxH, I never liked fan-fiction, but for one about HxH I can make an exception. He should pretty much rewrite everything else.

I can. When the Author horribly mutilated the story so it doesn't resemble the original story so much it can be considered an original story.

The_King_Potato:you litterally csnt justify not liking fan fiction...i mean there is no possible way to justify that stance...