
Review Detail of EsliEsma in A Bend in Time



There will be no harems in this tale. I've tried to channel my inner J.K. Rowling to match some of the writing styles and try to create that Harry Potter feels in my own writing. I'll be incorporating many of the minor characters that would have existed during the marauder's era in an effort to try to maintain the real-world feel of the series. There will be new characters that I will simply need to create, but I will try to use surnames that suggest that they might be related to minor characters or some of the 28 families surnames that simply weren't even mentioned nor used. The main character is not overpowered as Harry Potter wasn't himself. There will be cheats, yes, but not to the grade that the storyline falls into second place. The storyline is the first objective!

A Bend in Time






Lol bro did you read the all the reply .what you said already have said to me by someone and I also replied to this statement so check the comments.

Adam_Schmitz:there is such a thing as a reverse harem.

So he will be like hp, powerful but ignorant? In my opinion hp is strong borderline op, but was keep ignorant and did not grow to his full potential. And to be honest you can count all the spells hp use in all 7books with one hand🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


More like hard working as for OP it will be rather tempered.

noobageddon_:So he will be like hp, powerful but ignorant? In my opinion hp is strong borderline op, but was keep ignorant and did not grow to his full potential. And to be honest you can count all the spells hp use in all 7books with one hand🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

As far as i see. The main character is rowan right? Because you almost write all of it from her view. So its her not he.

EsliEsma:More like hard working as for OP it will be rather tempered.

Before I read need to ask one thing whose Hermione pairing? Is it still Ron? If so Ill just pass.


Nope this is during the maurader era


I've read every chapters available and I must say : "That's some good sh*t !". Rowan is a very likeable character and the story is really well written (even if there is some misspelling there and there (Prefect instead of Perfect, Perfect instead of Prefect, Avada Kerdava) but it's fine. ) Be careful when you channel tour inner JK, it could make every character gay and create plotholes ^^ (like, why is the Fidelius charm only used for houses ? It's a spell to hide informations. Why did nobody ever used it on the 3 Taboo Jinxes ? *BOOM* DeathEather disarmed of their insta-kill weapon. And if it doesn't erase the memories of the spell, just make Flamel be the secret-keeper, he would be the only one who could teach it and the spell would be forever forgotten later on because he is immortal. JK, I request explanations on that ! JK, it's driving me crazy. ARrrrrggggg *dies of insanity*) I'm not a potterhead at all. I like the books and movies, I highly dislike Rowling, I dislike Harry and I hate Ron. But despite not being a potterhead, I really enjoy A Bend in Time. Overall, it's a really great story and without a doubt one of my favorite. I really like the character development and the relationships between characters. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story ^^


Glad to see you are still active and ok. Was following a few stories and suddenly everything stopped. Only found this by accident should put a link to it on RR if you can. New story sounds interesting, Enjoyed your old ones too though.


It's on my to do list...... I will get there eventually....... And thanks for following me. ☺

SarkyKeshy:Glad to see you are still active and ok. Was following a few stories and suddenly everything stopped. Only found this by accident should put a link to it on RR if you can. New story sounds interesting, Enjoyed your old ones too though.

Lol your main character is a female and you said you would do no harem. I am thinking is there anyone out there who would expect a harem from a female mc like she has many husband. That is seriously so wrong that I can't even imagine it. When you said that there will be no harem is it even necessary to tale it. Because it's a logical conclusion that there will be no harem cuz the mc is a female.


Um not sure if it's just my phone or not🤔🙄😟 but comments are turned off?


Lol let them be triggered like I care about them who Is mentally ill.


You do realize that reverse harem genre already exists, right?

Shadewind:Lol your main character is a female and you said you would do no harem. I am thinking is there anyone out there who would expect a harem from a female mc like she has many husband. That is seriously so wrong that I can't even imagine it. When you said that there will be no harem is it even necessary to tale it. Because it's a logical conclusion that there will be no harem cuz the mc is a female.

Well I already know about that. That a bunch people who is wrong in the head and also feminist wrote that type of story . But if you are a normal person then do you accept this disgusting thing called reverse harem. In our world there this reverse harem was always frowned upon if you look in our history. There was no legitimate reverse harem in our world but there was legitimate harem for man. So i think it's pretty normal for a female mc to not have a harem . Don't link me to those people who are mentally ill.

Runa:You do realize that reverse harem genre already exists, right?


Shadewind:Well I already know about that. That a bunch people who is wrong in the head and also feminist wrote that type of story . But if you are a normal person then do you accept this disgusting thing called reverse harem. In our world there this reverse harem was always frowned upon if you look in our history. There was no legitimate reverse harem in our world but there was legitimate harem for man. So i think it's pretty normal for a female mc to not have a harem . Don't link me to those people who are mentally ill.

Lol did you understand my words. This is not only my point of view but also the world view towards the thing called reverse harem. Men's harem was already in this world and there was no discrimination towards it because in that era that's how the society worked. But there was no reverse harem even if there was it was hugely discriminated. even you female gender feels disgusted towards that female who has reverse harem. Look I also don't support harem if the men doesn't have power or riches its just asking for trouble. I don't discriminated against females it's just what you feminist says when then can't logically win. I can also tell you logically about why i see the situation or feels disgusted towards reverse harem but i Don't want waste my time against you who will not understand it because you already made up your view of life. Also a reminder you females are one who feels jealous towards your own female kinds and hate each other at small issue. You must be thinking that i am speaking like a sexist but i am only telling the truth if you can't accept it that's your own problem. If you like reverse harem and want to have one in real world that's your own problem. But towards girls like you who have multiple husband or wanted to i will only feel disgust even if you are a world's no 1 beauty and offers me yourself i will never accept your offer cause even if you are a Beauty beneath you is filth or your character which will be disgusting. And your type who wants to have a reverse harem are just small percentage and there are many girls who have a upright character. I don't mind a r@pe victim or widow who has children as long as they have a upright character i will always support them and if i fall in love with them and they too fall in love i will merry them unhesitatingly. I am saying this to left out a misunderstanding that you will again say i am sexist . I am not against those who have upright character women and men alike. I also feel disgusted towards men who aren't upright in their character . You can guess which males i am talking about as their are already multiple example already. I am also a harem fan in fiction because we read fiction to saturate our wish and desires and it's a men's dream to have a harem. Which the world already accepted in early society so it's normal but there was no case where the reverse harem being accepted which is why if some one desire one then that person is mentally different then a normal person. Because world gives us common sense by giving us example by showing us what large majority of people do in their life and what majority of people feel towards new things. That's how the today's society built up. Now you understand if not i will seriously doubt you are mentally ok.


Polyandry or 'reverse harem' has existed in the past (read the link). Also if you are not sexist ask yourself why you feel disgusted if the reverse harem is filled with consenting adults? Like your fantasy of having a harem, women also feel desire to have their own harem. There is something mentally wrong with you if you are OK with harems but not reverse harems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyandry_in_Tibet

Shadewind:Lol did you understand my words. This is not only my point of view but also the world view towards the thing called reverse harem. Men's harem was already in this world and there was no discrimination towards it because in that era that's how the society worked. But there was no reverse harem even if there was it was hugely discriminated. even you female gender feels disgusted towards that female who has reverse harem. Look I also don't support harem if the men doesn't have power or riches its just asking for trouble. I don't discriminated against females it's just what you feminist says when then can't logically win. I can also tell you logically about why i see the situation or feels disgusted towards reverse harem but i Don't want waste my time against you who will not understand it because you already made up your view of life. Also a reminder you females are one who feels jealous towards your own female kinds and hate each other at small issue. You must be thinking that i am speaking like a sexist but i am only telling the truth if you can't accept it that's your own problem. If you like reverse harem and want to have one in real world that's your own problem. But towards girls like you who have multiple husband or wanted to i will only feel disgust even if you are a world's no 1 beauty and offers me yourself i will never accept your offer cause even if you are a Beauty beneath you is filth or your character which will be disgusting. And your type who wants to have a reverse harem are just small percentage and there are many girls who have a upright character. I don't mind a r@pe victim or widow who has children as long as they have a upright character i will always support them and if i fall in love with them and they too fall in love i will merry them unhesitatingly. I am saying this to left out a misunderstanding that you will again say i am sexist . I am not against those who have upright character women and men alike. I also feel disgusted towards men who aren't upright in their character . You can guess which males i am talking about as their are already multiple example already. I am also a harem fan in fiction because we read fiction to saturate our wish and desires and it's a men's dream to have a harem. Which the world already accepted in early society so it's normal but there was no case where the reverse harem being accepted which is why if some one desire one then that person is mentally different then a normal person. Because world gives us common sense by giving us example by showing us what large majority of people do in their life and what majority of people feel towards new things. That's how the today's society built up. Now you understand if not i will seriously doubt you are mentally ok.

Lol did you read my reply and understood it. Yes I also said that reverse harem exist in the past but it is very rare and people didn't really accept it you female also also didn't like the girl who had a reverse harem. But a normal harem exist all over world also people didn't really mind it. Even now there are many who have harem in real world even if they kept it secret well only rich have done it but I also seen it in some countryside that a men has 3 to 4 wife . I Don't like reverse harem it's my matter if you want have one its your matter but it's my freedom if say i was disgusted by you. For me reverse harem is like cheating so do you like when your partner cheat on you its the same for in normal harem if girl doesn't agree with it well I am kinda hypocrite about reverse harem but that's because I really don't like it. Well everyone has there own preferences. So peace out

ATK49:Polyandry or 'reverse harem' has existed in the past (read the link). Also if you are not sexist ask yourself why you feel disgusted if the reverse harem is filled with consenting adults? Like your fantasy of having a harem, women also feel desire to have their own harem. There is something mentally wrong with you if you are OK with harems but not reverse harems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyandry_in_Tibet

Also it's only happened in Tibet.

ATK49:Polyandry or 'reverse harem' has existed in the past (read the link). Also if you are not sexist ask yourself why you feel disgusted if the reverse harem is filled with consenting adults? Like your fantasy of having a harem, women also feel desire to have their own harem. There is something mentally wrong with you if you are OK with harems but not reverse harems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyandry_in_Tibet

Well, it is wrong in so many ways that i don’t even want to explain. So i am just gonna write a lot of very logical shi-t while enjoying the beautiful symphony of feminists exploding. *Boom* see ? another one Let’s start with the basic, polygamy is heavily disliked no matter where you live because of many reasons but none of them is actually valid (from a pragmatic point of view, hell even i am against since i tend to have extremely strong crushes and can’t do as much as imagine myself inflicting it to the person i love...i know i’m a softy). It isn’t forbidden nor is it immoral, it’s just another way for the men with power to show off and satisfy their primal instinct of reproduction, with many partners the chances of having healthy children raise. As for the female before the civilisation started having some heavy development, they found in it the opportunity of securing themselves a good future since those who have many wives tend to be powerful in many ways. Polygamy started getting unpopular just recently after that massive shi.t called feminism started to appear with the so called gender equality, man and women aren’t equal in everything, they are good in different things, for example women’s brain can do many things at the same time easily while a man can do one thing but with more ease than a woman (there is exceptions ) A woman can see way more differences in colours, is usually way more patient than a man and oh we all know nothing equal a woman’s fury. Oh and they can also give birth, something a man can never ever do, and if he want to then we should beat some sense into him. But overall a man is better than a woman and it will never change By now, i can tell you that i believe that women are better than us in so many ways, and of course i can’t say that men are better than woman, it all depends on the person. I just wanted to make a few feminists explode. nothing personal they just piss me off somehow.


Hi author I'm not here to join the gender equality discussions but can you please add Fem Mc tag or replace no harem tag with it, I was expecting Severus Snape or even isekai'd Sev since synopsis kept suggesting the idea then bam og character appears as mc. This isn't to reduce potential readers its just informing potential readers what to expect, just like before buying food you want to check expiry date or where it was made, not everyone checks but for those who do it really helps.