
Review Detail of Bruhnoe in The God of Destruction



I will not read this novel anymore. As for what I think of the novel: God says that he can not grant wishes that break the law of the world that he will be reincarnated, but he asks for a Sacred Gear, something from another universe and ends up acquiring the item, does not make sense to me. And he gains several techniques, be it for combat, strengthen the body, and he has not made a request for it. The protagonist is reincarnated very young, 5 years younger than Xia Qinqyue and Yun Che. Xia Qinqyue be walking in the middle of the forest alone did not think it would happen. I do not think her father would allow it, since she is weak. I can not like MC. I find it annoying, and he gets angry at someone saying the obvious to him is not interesting. Just because MC says she's going to help Xia Qinqyue bring back the missing mother, she starts crying, as if she's listening to the solution to all her problems. How easy it is to conquer someone. Even she being a 10 year old. And she offered her hand in marriage on a bet quite easily. He starts a bet, with his freedom and life in the hands of another person in case he loses, is extremely stupid. There is no way for him to know that he would win since he does not know how long it takes to increase his cultivation. There are times when the MC acts irrationally. An example is when he arrives where Xia Qinqyue lives and says he is engaged to her as if the world should accept what a 7-year-old said. The guards do not believe him and he decides to invade the place. He could ask to call the girl and if they refused, just show a little of the power of his cultivation and they would call her. The MC falls into a hole and finds a mine of Purple Veined Divine Crystal, it's very convenient. And the worst is to absorb all the energy of the crystals without realizing and leave nothing to the Xia Qinqyue, who at this point, is already engaged to him. The MC uses his abilities to defeat opponents that are at maximum in Spirit Profound Realm is totally exaggerated, it is only to use the pressure that he can exert with the level of cultivation of him. If I'm not mistaken, Xiao Lie is the only one in the Earth Profound Realm realm, so I did not count on him. Of course that only bothered a little, but it was just to put it that MC wanted to test his abilities that I would let go. There are many problems, and they are basically things that could be avoided if one were given a little more attention to the novel. And for those who are thinking of reading the novel and seeing my review. The grammar is good enough to read without having problems. Much better than other Fan-Fics I've seen on this site. And the background just leaves a little to be desired, but it's not a problem until now. Good luck with the novel. I hope you're enjoying writing, Author.

The God of Destruction



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