
Review Detail of MagikLord in (Dropped) Boku no Toraburu



"I don't know who sent you, but I will soon figure it out by going through your.... memories!" Rito's eyes widened in surprise and anger and he immediately activated his own [Mind Reading] skill as he felt a cold sensation invading his head. "Oh? You have psychic abilities, too? This makes it even more interesting!" This was the last thing Rito heard as his mind blanked out and he lost his consciousness. *** "Hmm?" Tatsumaki frowned and looked around. Her mind reading was different from Rito's as she had to start by digging through the deepest memories of the target. In this manner, she is able to understand the true situation of the target and act accordingly. Currently, she was looking at a dark cell through Rito's eyes. She looked at 'his' hands that were clean and smooth and the cell itself looked like a very expensive hotel room. It would've classified as a suite if not for the iron bars blocking the exit. Meanwhile, Rito was playing a video game. The most disturbing thing Tatsumaki felt was even though Rito was completely nourished, he was sitting naked and his whole body, including his private part, was filled with various scars and burn marks. But the remaining part of his body showcased a beautiful and healthy skin belonging to a thirteen-year-old. The walls of the cells smelled disgusting. There were even various fluids on the floor and even some of the books placed on the floor were drenched in disgusting looking liquids. "What the hell is going on here?!" Tatsumaki had already guessed the kind of this place was, but she couldn't help but continue forwards as she needed to find the true reason Rito contacted Tatsumaki. It was at this time, the gate of his cell opened automatically and Rito walked out with dazed eyes. Meanwhile, Tatsumaki, who was looking through his eyes, could clearly feel Rito's indifference towards his own situation and the pain coursing throughout his body. As she kept on observing, she found that Rito wasn't the only one as the whole place looked like some kind of combination of a dungeon and an organisation. There were many kids of varying ages and gender. All of them were naked while most of them had a body filled with scars. Tatsumaki almost couldn't control her own consciousness as she wanted to leave the repulsive scene at once. There were many boys that were already castrated while the private parts of girls were filled with dried blood and scars. Some were even equipped with devices that expanded their insides and exposed it to the public. Tatsumaki couldn't help but glimpse when she saw an old and obese couple wearing luxurious clothes while keeping a gentle smile on their faces. The moment she looked both of them, Rito's body trembled inside the scene and the whole image started to collapse. "Hmph, still resisting!" Tatsumaki snorted as she increased her own power and the memory started to stabilise. She could clearly feel Rito's fear and helplessness when faced with the old couple and his body kept on trembling. The situation of other kids wasn't that different as their pale and naked bodies kept on shivering under their gentle gaze. The smile on the old couple grew even wider and then the obese and greasy old man set his sight on Rito. "Today, Rito will be—" Delete this chapter. And I will delete this review.

(Dropped) Boku no Toraburu






I am sorry since I want to portray a character with a dark past that can move out of the shadow of his past. I can even assure that there may be even darker things later on. On other note, thank you for supporting this novel and giving the review. I don't mind the low rating since you didn't spam some bs. And I always love the opinion of other readers. I hope you will continue reading my novel and see it through a different perspective one day. Stay awesome!


His character and attitude to the surrounding does not correspond to such a past.


And how did she read the memories of the soul and not the body? She should be able to read only body memory.


I think you have thought differently. Tatsumaki doesn't use a specific skill like 'memory reading' or 'Soul Reading', she looks into the deepest secrets of the person and find their weaknesses


Will there be Rape of MC's woman or Netorare (NTR)?

Broughtwaorld:I am sorry since I want to portray a character with a dark past that can move out of the shadow of his past. I can even assure that there may be even darker things later on. On other note, thank you for supporting this novel and giving the review. I don't mind the low rating since you didn't spam some bs. And I always love the opinion of other readers. I hope you will continue reading my novel and see it through a different perspective one day. Stay awesome!

oh my god no! never! not in this novel neither in others

Space_Fox:Will there be Rape of MC's woman or Netorare (NTR)?

I don't want to make it 'that' kind of dark you know.... only torture and stuff

Space_Fox:Will there be Rape of MC's woman or Netorare (NTR)?

Ah ok! Then it's safe to read

Broughtwaorld:oh my god no! never! not in this novel neither in others

Damn Guy!


so the mc still managed to have a dark past to continue having the same personality of original Rito?

Broughtwaorld:I am sorry since I want to portray a character with a dark past that can move out of the shadow of his past. I can even assure that there may be even darker things later on. On other note, thank you for supporting this novel and giving the review. I don't mind the low rating since you didn't spam some bs. And I always love the opinion of other readers. I hope you will continue reading my novel and see it through a different perspective one day. Stay awesome!

as you can see, he tries to keep the same personality

123412465:so the mc still managed to have a dark past to continue having the same personality of original Rito?

nope, he doesn't have the same personality as Rito at all

123412465:so the mc still managed to have a dark past to continue having the same personality of original Rito?

Thanks for the spoiler! Not interested to read this fic anymore 😃


so even though the original Rito died and got replaced by a an awesome guy with a dark past, he still 'The Rito' I was hyped, now I'm zyped...

XuanBodhisattva:Thanks for the spoiler! Not interested to read this fic anymore 😃

Is the MC character changed or not? (If not, I see no reason to read this fan-fic) (I use google translator)

Broughtwaorld:nope, he doesn't have the same personality as Rito at all

Character MC

Broughtwaorld:nope, he doesn't have the same personality as Rito at all

the personality is changed, yes

SD_Liv:Is the MC character changed or not? (If not, I see no reason to read this fan-fic) (I use google translator)

Can you tell from which chapter? (I'm already starting to read)

Broughtwaorld:the personality is changed, yes

If you want my honest opinion, then please don't continue this novel for a while as it is going through a rewrite ( please refer to the latest chapter)

SD_Liv:Can you tell from which chapter? (I'm already starting to read)

Thank you for warning. And will he still have something to do with them? (Or just just holding hands and that's all?)

Broughtwaorld:If you want my honest opinion, then please don't continue this novel for a while as it is going through a rewrite ( please refer to the latest chapter)