
Review Detail of GK969 in Supreme Magus



If this review was written a couple months ago it would be all five stars, but sadly the author doesn’t have passion he had when he started out, it’s pretty obvious that writing this has become a chore to get done with minimal effort and time as the chapter gets cut in to part 1 and 2 and released as two chapter instead of actual two chapter story progression it’s just a pathetic excuse of a filler with a repetitive cliffhanger and sadly hype up the next chapter or event for no apparent reason. Because nothing happens, nothing changes, even if something changes it will be reverted by some one dying for no good reasons, the author is just killing of character for no good reason. To sum it of, RIP to such a good novel dropping to this crappy quilty, chapter length is now barely 40% of the first 100 chapters and those short chapters are just filler.

Supreme Magus






well I thought about continuing readin it after months of not. well not anymore.


Exactly. The story has devolved to such a basic and boring loop of: Fight for no reason -> Some Romance Nothing ever happens or breaks that cycle. It gets really boring to read, and its unfortunate that it happened.


So so soooo ... ... mature what he did to his 2 elder brothers. Super mature about romance. 2nd gf is ultra mature. Next gf will have body of 50 years old, let the cougar hunt begin (after about another 1000 chapter.) Super mature now all human friend are girls not bois allowed. Where the fck are the original goals now? Random arc and side story for the win. Headless writing.