
Review Detail of Chizaru in Guild Wars



Ah, brace yourself for a riveting tale of mediocrity, or as I like to call it, "Guild Wars: A Symphony of Boredom." Strap in, folks, this might be a bumpy ride through the thrilling world of Draco and his oh-so-imaginative backstory. So, our dear protagonist, Draco. A name so creatively mundane, it could be the brainchild of a 13-year-old Dungeon Master attempting to be the edgiest edge lord in a game of DnD. But let's not judge a book by its hilariously lame name, shall we? Now, Draco's gripping tale begins with the classic trope of a poor, parentless, bullied kid who miraculously rises to become the 3rd best player in a virtual online game. Guild master, cartel leader, cold-hearted extraordinaire—oh, the cliche brilliance! And, of course, he meets his inevitable demise through assassination. Riveting, isn't it? But wait, why should we root for this masterpiece of character development? Draco, devoid of redeemable qualities, had a relatively cushy life in the virtual realm, no familial ties, and about as much motivation as a sloth on a Monday. Sympathy? Please. He couldn't sympathize with a rock, let alone the poor souls he encounters. Our MC is basically a stoic edge lord, the kind who throws sympathy out the window, steps on everyone's feelings, and builds a guild empire for purely selfish reasons. Who doesn't love a protagonist with a heart of stone and a mind focused solely on self-interest? Oh, and let's not forget the riveting speed run through the game that culminates in a World Title. Bravo! The whole narrative feels as rushed as a caffeine addict sprinting to the coffee machine. No emotional weight, just a plot carried along like a deflated balloon in the wind. Action sequences, you ask? Hold onto your seat because they're as lackluster as a soggy sandwich. Blink, and you might miss the lightning-fast events that somehow manage to suck out any tension faster than a vacuum in a black hole. Rare items? No struggle. Draco's apparently on a first-name basis with luck itself. Meanwhile, the average Joes in the game are left to wrestle with struggles that Draco couldn't be bothered to understand, let alone experience. And the characters, oh, the rich tapestry of blandness! They exist solely to be trampled upon by our illustrious MC, both now and in the foreseeable future. A standing ovation for character development, everyone! In conclusion, "Guild Wars" is a masterclass in plot-carrying, emotion-lacking, and character-trampling. The only shining star in this lackluster constellation? Foreshadowing. Because nothing says "quality storytelling" like predicting the disappointment that awaits.

Guild Wars






it also have NTR elements 😂😂


I wont lie i will follow you from now on only for your reviews.