
Review Detail of YoyoRakesh in A World Worth Protecting



What's that yaoi tag? Seriously? If it's true I have to drop it. Yu Come one man it's a good story. Please don't made it yaoi. If the tag was false please remove it or you will lose more viewers than you can imagine.

A World Worth Protecting

Er Gen





yeah I did read one atleast. it was a novel where the dude was hacker and the God was forcing him to become villain for the heroes .that one was really good and an another one where tur guy died and then he started doing mission and fall in love with developer who made it. although I didnt like romance, I did like the story as it good so no dont force your thoughts again on someone.

Kailour:Yep, so homophobia. Believe it or not, you are not the main character in the story. You can align yourself with aspects of that character to relate with, but there will NEVER be a character that you 100% agree with on all of their decisions, personality quirks, or mentality. Ask yourself this, have you ever given a highly recommended yaoi / BL novel a shot, if the answer is no, and the reason for that is fear, then yes that is homophobia. For example, there are plenty of novels on this site where the MC is incredibly nationalistic, but this usually isn't a complete deal breaker for people. If something unnatural isn't a deal breaker, but something natural is, then something is wrong.

The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.


I just don't see the point in reading a story where the mc is gay if I'm not

Kailour:The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.

I'm not homophobic, but I have absolutely no interest in reading a Yaoi story if I myself am not gay. Quit throwing that word around you mong because you clearly don't know what it means.

Kailour:The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.

A phobia is an irrational fear of something, being irrationally afraid of seeing gay content means you are homophobic. I don't see what the problem is with calling it how it is. Anyway, actually check the Yaoi tag, and you'll see that a large portion of novels listed there have no gay content in them at all, hell half of those are harem novels which is about the farthest thing from gay content you can get.

KingAkaron:I'm not homophobic, but I have absolutely no interest in reading a Yaoi story if I myself am not gay. Quit throwing that word around you mong because you clearly don't know what it means.

Well going by your name, no I guess you wouldn't, but there is more to a story than the MCs sexual orientation. For the record, there is no 'official' (non original) novel on this website that has any gay content in it, as far as I've seen anyway. They'd likely announce it if they were going to put one on the site.

MajinBeau:I just don't see the point in reading a story where the mc is gay if I'm not

People want to relate to characters. Straight people can’t really relate to gay characters and vice versa. Not liking Yaoi because you’re straight hardly makes someone a homophobe. I don’t like Yaoi but I partied with my gay cousin this weekend. Does that make me a homophobe.

Kailour:A phobia is an irrational fear of something, being irrationally afraid of seeing gay content means you are homophobic. I don't see what the problem is with calling it how it is. Anyway, actually check the Yaoi tag, and you'll see that a large portion of novels listed there have no gay content in them at all, hell half of those are harem novels which is about the farthest thing from gay content you can get.

That argument on the internet is always so strange. "Did you know I partied with my mothers brothers aunts nephew who happens to be gay? This clearly excuses me of any kind of homophobia." Yeah, no. Anyway, it doesn't really matter whether you are or aren't when it boils down to it. Like I told the other guy, there are no 'official' (non-original) novels with gay content in them on this website as far as I'm aware. I'm sure when/if they ever put any on here 'officially' they'll probably announce it on the forums or something.

KingAkaron:People want to relate to characters. Straight people can’t really relate to gay characters and vice versa. Not liking Yaoi because you’re straight hardly makes someone a homophobe. I don’t like Yaoi but I partied with my gay cousin this weekend. Does that make me a homophobe.

Well, you're the one who brought up homophobia in the first place where it wasn't needed. I don't mind novels with gay characters, like I said they're just not my thing. I probably won't read this anyways till it has more chapters. I know Er Gen novels are usually a win and i'm sure this one will be the same.

Kailour:That argument on the internet is always so strange. "Did you know I partied with my mothers brothers aunts nephew who happens to be gay? This clearly excuses me of any kind of homophobia." Yeah, no. Anyway, it doesn't really matter whether you are or aren't when it boils down to it. Like I told the other guy, there are no 'official' (non-original) novels with gay content in them on this website as far as I'm aware. I'm sure when/if they ever put any on here 'officially' they'll probably announce it on the forums or something.

Bro I am really terrified if it's a gay Story!

Kailour:The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.

Bro I am really terrified if it's a gay Story!

Kailour:The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.

Bro I am really terrified if it's a gay Story!

Kailour:The translator doesn't add the tags, those are mostly added by homophobic readers such as yourself that likely saw a joke within the novel about someone being gay, got so absolutely terrified by the thought of a gay person existing that they immediately dropped the novel, and then added that tag.

If its Yaoi tag, then lets burn the story. I feel vomiting whenever i see Yaoi tag. I dont care about gay people, but i wont ever read a yaoi story because its disgusting to see it from a gays perspective.

Kailour:That argument on the internet is always so strange. "Did you know I partied with my mothers brothers aunts nephew who happens to be gay? This clearly excuses me of any kind of homophobia." Yeah, no. Anyway, it doesn't really matter whether you are or aren't when it boils down to it. Like I told the other guy, there are no 'official' (non-original) novels with gay content in them on this website as far as I'm aware. I'm sure when/if they ever put any on here 'officially' they'll probably announce it on the forums or something.

Ok, congrats on being small minded? A gay persons perspective isn't that different from a straight persons perspective. They have people they like and people they don't like, they aren't attracted to literally every Male they run into, nor do they randomly talk about having sex with men. It's really not that different from your average novel, excluding harem trash novels.


Yaoi novels tend to be focused on that relationship when they’re tagged as such. There’s no fear or irrationality involved here. It would be yaoiphobia not homophobia regardless.

Kailour:A phobia is an irrational fear of something, being irrationally afraid of seeing gay content means you are homophobic. I don't see what the problem is with calling it how it is. Anyway, actually check the Yaoi tag, and you'll see that a large portion of novels listed there have no gay content in them at all, hell half of those are harem novels which is about the farthest thing from gay content you can get.

"Yaoi" is basically the Japanese name for gay content, specifically of the male variety. So yes it would still be homophobia, as yaoiphobia would be the same thing. As for the rest of your comment, I have to assume you didn't even read what I typed out, and I really don't feel like repeating myself, so just read the comment you replied to as a response to what you just said.

TaxationIsTheft:Yaoi novels tend to be focused on that relationship when they’re tagged as such. There’s no fear or irrationality involved here. It would be yaoiphobia not homophobia regardless.

Did this guy just basically say "if you dont read yaoi you a homophobe" theres a word out there called preference my dude, straight men typically "PREFER" not to read yaoi doesnt make them a homophope, they can read it just fine theres no "fear" its just not their thing. You needa chill before bringing up the dictionary every comment


Also you have the wrong definition of "irrational" it aint an irrational of their reason for not liking yaoi is a RATIONAL reason like iunno THEY AINT GAY.


*if their reason****

Cherrygod:Also you have the wrong definition of "irrational" it aint an irrational of their reason for not liking yaoi is a RATIONAL reason like iunno THEY AINT GAY.

Books about gay people and gay people are not the same thing. Are you retarded or something?

Kailour:"Yaoi" is basically the Japanese name for gay content, specifically of the male variety. So yes it would still be homophobia, as yaoiphobia would be the same thing. As for the rest of your comment, I have to assume you didn't even read what I typed out, and I really don't feel like repeating myself, so just read the comment you replied to as a response to what you just said.

Books about gay people and gay people are not the same thing. Are you retarded or something?

Kailour:"Yaoi" is basically the Japanese name for gay content, specifically of the male variety. So yes it would still be homophobia, as yaoiphobia would be the same thing. As for the rest of your comment, I have to assume you didn't even read what I typed out, and I really don't feel like repeating myself, so just read the comment you replied to as a response to what you just said.