
Review Detail of FBC1337 in Evolution System



I cannot comprehend why one would leave a one star review because of some community. It is fact that some cultures are better than others if that were not the case we would not have criminalised female genital mutilations. (We still have not done it for male but that is another discussion). I’m going to be honest here, I did this review only to spite people leaving really low quality reviews without any kind of criticism that is actually valid. Make critical analysis of his writing instead of political. Jesus... by the way anecdotal evidence is only good sometimes but not to make a larger point so stop it. Just because you may not have seen any gangsters of one type of community it does not mean that it is not a trend. There is always exception towards one generalisiation but that does not mean that generalisations are inherently bad because most of them have basis in reality.

Evolution System



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