absolutely amazing. would totally recommend this to others. the author does a great job giving characters personality. Also the level of plot is original and keeps the reader guessing.
I absolutely love it. Just read the latest chapter and I am very impressed that the author has managed to to a semi Si fanfiction without the reader feeling like they're reading wish fulfilment and has managed to make developed characters. There's a lot of praise I give give but overall the point above makes me give this a 5 satr
thank Thanos, should of made the companion a pet or something
behold the all powerfull "-" bloodline... beware the dash bloodline!!!
I really just didn't enjoy the novel. word count word countA-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**0tT2xGWHo3Sk1keVkwanBQWVBGeURqdz09--f0bc1a2f45931cc08c5b24959a0404e747bf6460,5708cd1c-51ba-41d7-bfff-7ffec9ecd981,order_status_page
i feel like tearing my eyes out. Pain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painpain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain painPain pain pain pain
I just can't any more!!! it's call the fucking tesseract!!!!
oh God it hurts. Honest would probably be a good read in its native language but unfortunately appears to be Machine translated without an editor to clean up BASIC MiSTAKES and sentence structure.
MTL be like 2.0* 👍
No we won’t “mob picks up big sticks and stone”