Garbage translation. The fact that some names aren't even capitalized after the free chapter are over should say enough.
Translation becoming garbage after free chapter... Typical webnovel
How webnovels allows garbage translations like this is beyond me.
Lol, people are still replying to this? I have just said I'm dropping this due to reasons i dislike, move on. I don't care if you care that I dropped it.
I have not, and have no intention of doing so, as I rarely read anything here nowadays, just when I'm really bored. That being said, that's a weird argument, so even if I found an extremely shitty MC out there, I should be glad that he is not as bad as the worst MC ever in another novel?
Not really, I was already thinking this novel wasn't that good before this, it was just a matter of time. But hey, if you think rape jokes are funny, you do you.
Yeah, really disgusting and this is where I drop it. Even if it's a joke as the author said, nope, I do not like and don't think rape jokes are funny.