


"Not all bad stories are harem, but all harem stories are bad." ~ Machiavelli

2024-09-30 入りましたGlobal






  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual2 days ago
    に返信 Electro101

    Thanks dude. And yea, one of most dangerous things about this universe is this language and the fact that Cypher just learned some of the incantations is important.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual17 days ago
    に返信 Electro101

    Platonically lol😂 but yeah it's not necessarily a slave master relationship. They both have a connection to the concept of freedom so their souls and will align. As for a beast seeing through their Dreamweavers eyes it's possible. The reason Rain can't see through Cypher's eyes is because he's of a lesser rank. if both are the same rank then Rain can see through Cypher's eyes aswell.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual18 days ago
    に返信 Mix_Master7

    Glad you like it! I think this type of Eldritch horror isn't represented enough on webnovel. I liked stories like soul of Negary however i wanted to do something different , or, more specifically without the whole infinite world aspect. To me, infinite worlds just reduce world building and lore while also reducing the impact of such entities. But thanks for your support🙏

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual18 days ago
    に返信 Mix_Master7

    You got me. Yes, I used Hastur as inspiration however in terms of character they are completely different.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual19 days ago

    Sorry bout that. But if your confused on a certain part I can explain it to try and clear it up before the next chapter.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual19 days ago
    に返信 Electro101

    Yes, it's deferent. For example, Someone with a nature type attribute might build a large world tree in their soul space

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual20 days ago
    に返信 YeonSakura

    I guess you could say he's a 'Konoha Hypocrite' 😭😭😭

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual20 days ago
    に返信 Electro101

    If there at the same rank then yeah. For example, like you mentioned, if two people of the same talent are fighting, and one is has more of their soul Alter built, then they can tap into some abilities that I have not yet mentioned without as much danger of the side affects. In addition, they most likely will have more experience and control. Someone like Cypher has a difficult ability when it comes to control and is somewhat held back by the limits of his mental capacity. However, if he has a higher quality soul Alter, he can negate those effects and build better constructs. In terms of mental defense, if a Dreamweaver tries to put him under their control, and their soul Alter is not of a similar quality, they will only briefly be able to use their technique on him. This, of course, applies to everyone. Not just Cypher.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual20 days ago
    に返信 Electro101

    At a certain rank it does have a substantial. At most Dreamweavers before rank five only get an added amount of Forty years. This is if they don't get diseases that are specifically deadly for Dreamweavers. Ontop of this, Dreamweavers tend to die or burnout when they try to rank up. At a certain point, it takes quite a lot of willpower that many simply don't have. For example, Clementine who should be higher ranked isn't because she lost her spirit after her son died. In other words, she'd shrivel up or explode if she tried to rank up.

  • Randomindividual
    Randomindividual22 days ago

    Yea I took inspiration from the ideals of gods like Negary's ideal of constantly improving I'm heavily interested in philosophy so im incorporating it into this book. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a similar world as Soul of Negary but their is Eldridge aspects.