Are you still there ?
So this is the guy that takes the unwanted girls and feels good about himself
Please not arnnie she ho
You're before royalty you don't scratch your head like an anime character, for that matter you don't do it anywhere but in anime.
Why the fuck care about her friend ship that much ?
He lives 1000 lives but doesn't have mental defense, he can use the memory of the 1000 lives as defensive method
Bro lived 1000 lives even if he lived to a min of 20 years in each lives that is 20,000 years he should have at least have some wisdom beyond being paranoid baselessly over she, such matters
B/c he is God he should be above such action and bordem
How much of the free will of humans is free will when someone power full will always rule them either fate,death,desire, rules. He only have to obey 1 person but humans expect presence and the angel they are slave either to each other, society, people in power or with power and lusifer knows b/c he was human
Of he is reincarnated and nows how it will end and if he doesn't want it to end like this why do what he did b/c every thing till now is no different from the original except maybe his relationship, he knows he can't win against god yet he fights him he seduces lilith like in the original, falls like the original in a rebellion that he knows I'd bound to fail so what did he do by reincarnating except the exact thing the original did, what I'd the difference especially about humans