In Sweden, 90% of taxi users are people who are very drunk after a night out; otherwise, taxis are hardly used in daily life, at least for regular citizens.
again, somone who just copy paste it but with their own hands and just change minor things to his own feelings and taste .. it really dont seems that hard espeachally when he already have experiance in that field of work
nah, he translated it ^^
why is he writing that in a japanese chatt... sigh retard chinese writer... atleast try to be "realistic"
heh, they are cute
erh... , did he not just use it rapidly ?
yes i was kinda hoping
again... this story is just ignoring skill and experience lol
I hate to be the downer, but here I am. The plot is very basic, and the main character is... well, a narcissist. Honestly, he’s quite boring and behaves like a 15-year-old, which is kind of sad. He sees everything in black and white, exhibiting a typical childish mentality. For example, if someone throws a punch at him, he feels the need to throw back ten punches because that’s what “cool guys” do. The writing is frustratingly annoying, it's been generated by chatGTP or whatever ai program used to "improve" the narrative. I don't have much else to say about it, except that it simply wasn’t good. Maybe I’m expecting too much? I’m not sure. Anyway, that’s just my opinion. You should try it out for yourself.! :)