If someone would have told me half a year ago that I will start reading Books I would have told them to fuck off but here we are. Best choice of my life. And now I even started writing my own Fan Fiction about Shadow Slave: User: Necroz2002
Banger Chapter. Julius is even more desperate than Beastmaster lol.
It was expected. I'm just glad he didn't waste another 15-20 chapters writing how Jet, Effie and Kai/Morgan conquered the citadels.
Very nicely done. The pacing of the chapter felt good. Also, I like how you give more insight into the thoughts of the characters. I see that as an important part myself, so I'm happy when others do the same.
Good chapter, a little short, but I hope you make up for that with more frequent uploads.
Good so far. For that being your first attempt, I'm positively surprised. Keep in mind that for a reaction, fanfic, the personality of the characters is a crucial element. Good luck writing it ;)
Well...I guess with that the theory that Sunny would conjure the Mad Prince in the room of imagination is out the window. This was more expected after Anvil killed a Cursed Tyrant though. With tricks...but he did it nonetheless.
I don't know how this would work, but let's just say she sensed it...somehow.
And what are those fanfics you are talking about? Who would be shameless enough to write such explicit scenes for other to read?
All I could ever ask for in a sunphis wedding Fanfic has been masterfully combined to form absolute peak. I doubt we will ever get a better Sunphis Wedding Fanfic.