arw they have any power?
hoohh nice. the quest is gonna a bridge to meet the Liyue Archon.. well consider he gentle nature after through a years in solitude.. i hope you can make a surprise author.. after all.. azdhazakhxjs is a friend of morax. and of course.. such a bond will not go unnoticed by the liyue archon.. perhaps that will be interesting if there a missunderstood between OC vs Morax 😂
thank you
thanks for come back.. is amon so though that make you disappear for such a long tjme?
no.. not the "O, Death"
ah sorry i think boring is exaggerated i mean slow.. just lack of vocabulary last night haha.. keep up the good work author
as someone who read the lore i found it boring 7/8 and only great when it come 8/8 im not talking about rating if you know what i mean
a dragon with dorsil fin? I don't know man.. it is represented MC? or.. you know.. that guy who want give his seed to rover 💀