Beliscou o filtro??? Onde fica o filtro num ser humano? Rim? Pelos do nariz??
Não se traduz “framed” para emoldurado. No maximo, enquadrado. O correto nesse caso seria armação.
Desceu o bastão mas não acertou? As vezes dão informações demais. Outras, de menos. Fica parecendo roupa mal remendada.
Ué? Su Yan não só viu uma foto como o viu em carne e osso no banquete. O autor está esquecidonho…
Thinking of the wrongs she had suffered HIS discomfort faded away??? Was he a monster or the translations is off?
Three years are considered “her best years”? They are all the same age. On their HIGH SCHOOL graduation, as it is implied, they would be at maximum, 19y-o. Three years of marriage, 22, 23y-o. Such a malicious minds, such a achieving lives as President or doctor, in such a short time… Life in China is such a fast line…
He cannot blame her, as it was his signature move.
Did he had one, to begin with?
So often this He fellow is adressed as a she that I’m in doubts about its gender.