I usually hate Ntr but this isnt that bad
yeah im just figuring out where i want the story to go and stuff right now i only have a rough idea
Will there be romance or something?
isnt this a megamatt009 story i swear it is
i dont get why people cant read the synopsis but i did credit the original author and i put this here because i prefer webnovels reading format to fanfic.nets if any of you have a way to make stories private so i can reread these in peace thatd be great
i dont know if you can read or not but i say this is a repost and credited the original author i only put this here because i prefer webnovels reading format to fanfic.nets if i knew how to make these stories private i would
yeah i reupload from the original writer because i prefer reading with webnovels format instead of fanfic.nets
really hope the dude gets with ranni.....
this "harry" is such a fucking idiot of course things will be different its a different universe to his original it doesnt make sense where he should kill his doppelganger not every world in the multiverse wouyld be th same but other than that good story and stupid harry bullshit
wasnt the love interest rosalie i swear it was????