One thing about me is that “if my book is opened, then your mouth should be closed “. Lol. But basically what i am trying to say is that i am an absolute book worm.
It is getting more intensed. I love that Mia knows now. Kalina need someone in her corner. Shouldering that burden alone cannot be easy. At least Dom has Nikolas.
Not another ex again😫😫😫
Thank you for the support 🙏
Thank you so much for the support
Who really is Dominique Castillo?? I honestly don’t feel bad for Landon and Jordan, they deserve worse.
Aiden you mean. And yeah jealousy can blind us sometimes but he needed to be a good friend not let his feelings get in the way.
I want me a Dom🥺
I want me a Dom🥺
The nerves of this guy😏
I smell drama😂