It's the usual Lena quality but this time at the end of the world. The MC is a poor overworked girl with abusive stepsiblings and stepmother. The Doggies come from outer space this time, but you'll get your fill of werewolves. My headcanon is that the vampire from Unshifted made this phone virus because she foresaw the apocalypse. If you like slow buildup into insanity, this is for you. I will be curious where it goes from there.
mooooom its startiiiiing
oh no, they will miss the speech. i wonder if their era still has these amazing presidents as ours. imagine their speeches in times like that, lol. one sleeps halfway in, the other says make the apocalypse great again
so sometimes she runs supersonic other times like a snail? and doing situps with a ripped open core sounds like a bad idea, even if she started to heal super fast
idk whats better, to be out there alone or surrounded by cannon fodder... i mean other people
well, for sure humanity is the worst enemy of itself
f in chat
they THINK they are prepared, but the furries are coming
did you forget halfway through that the place was looted, or that the employee forgot he worked there earlier? #nitpick
No spoilers :D