

2024-01-14 入りましたGlobal







Elements And Life

At first, there existed nothing; it was a void of complete emptyness. Then suddenly something formed, or rather someone. And there he was, standing amidst utter darkness, with no light to even reflect in his dead-still eyes. So dark, the man wondered if he'd actually gone blind. *CLAP* A bright flash of light filled everywhere, with just a tiny dark orb in front of that man. The orb's color was that of the blackest of blacks. It wasn't black because of emptiness, rather it was too dense with every single particle of reality itself. That orb made a whistling sound, like it had a consciousness, a soul. "You want to live?", The man whose silence could make anyone feel uneasy, finally spoke. And in reply the orb again made a different creaky sound, which otherwise meaningless, somehow sound as if it agreed. "Then your wish I shall grant", said the man placing his hand in front of the orb. And another bright flash, but this time with a shattering sound. The hollow, the feeling of emptiness, all was gone, a universe was formed. The dense orb that was black all this time was glowing, dimming with life. It was the very source of everything that was being created. At last, it stopped, as if its work was done, as if it were a kid waiting for their father's order. The man looked at a nearby planet, his gaze was gentle, his voice softened. "Of all the worlds out there, I choose this one" The man said and upon this that orb fired a bright white ray and distributed its energy all over that planet. Only a small portion of that orb remained, as a tiny violet marble. "DIVIDE" Said the man to the little marble which was left. And upon his words that marble split into four parts, and from each part emerged a person; Three boys and one girl. "This world my children, is a place for you to live, to grow, a place for you to call home." The man continued, "The other beings that I've given life to might be inferior to you, but always remember they are me precious children, just as you four are". The four Gods nodded in agreement. The man smiled. "Agni, Astra, Chakra, Kaal; Protect this world, as it is truly adored by me. This world, my precious creation, my dear EARTH." ——————————— Hi, I'm the author of this novel, you might call me The Weaver. I'll be posting this fiction on royalroad.com. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/474493

Soumajit_Gayen · 幻想
10 Chs