Books are nice
Great read so far, love the main character, and love the sheldon prospective, although I do get the vibe that the author seems to hate all the other characters exept sheldon lol.
Every part of the story is great exept for the romance. The ML basically forces her to be in a relationship with him until she eventually likes him enough to give it a try. Then their relationship is basically him ordering her around and her feeling bad for him whenever he gets mad that she didnt listen. Then it finally comes time for them to have sex and even though she is scared and dosnt really want to, again a big misunderstanding happens and instead of ML clearing it up, he lies to the whole family and pressures her to have sex to make it true, while again making her feel bad for rejecting him until she gives in. And lets not even talk about how he "loses control" and hurts her during it and even the second time they do it, he still hurts her even though shes still scared of the pain and dosnt really want to. But hey the rest is good right lol.
So we start off with Harry Potter in an AU version of the HP verse i've never seen before. Mom is alive, but dad is dead (so Harry can add his mom to his harem later). He also has a very close sister (also so she can be added to his harem later). He gets the gamer system, that almost right away starts giving out really op rewards, and Harry also almost right away becomes extremly arrogant. Harry then goes on a murder spree of thousands of criminals to level up, becoming even higher level then Dumbuldor and Valdamort before even starting Hogwarts. Harry then attends Hogwarts, showing off, he the best, popular with girls (basically every girl he meets with end up in Harem), ect. O and then his sister gets killed for basically no reason exept to give the 11 year old motivation to leave and exsplore the multiverse or whatever. All in all, not very good, and I've decided to drop it.
The first half is good, engaging, theres lots of growth, good characters, and a nice twist. The second half though not so much, with all the growth out the window, the classic "i wanna be low key for no reason, even though all it does is cause me trouble", followed by the "ill handle everything myself even though it could all be solved easily with help." Then because she chooses to neither ask for help nor even tell anyone when ppl are threating her family, her family ends up getting hurt, and even after them getting hurt she still dosnt tell anyone, even though they are still threating to hurt her family more. All in all the story falls into the classic pit fall of I need to make my mc lose half her iq to force a plot that will eventually be fixed because of plot armor.
Thanks for the chapter but that cliffhanger though lol!
Read up to the latest chapter and thought it was really good. I like the characters and the way its being written. My only complaint would be in the character descriptions, could just be me, but Im still not to sure what she actually looks like. Overall an enjoyable read, keep up the great work!
Read up to the paid for chapters cause Im broke, but I enjoyed the novel pretty well up to this point. The MC isnt a complete idot and the girls actually have emotions for the most part. I also really like 7 deadly sins type stuff so its right up my ally. All in all enjoyed the read and maby can continue reading at some point in the future.
The story and characters are all over the place, but in a good way. I genuinely enjoy this novel a lot and it's one of the only ones I really look forward to new chapters.