


Hello, I'm Sky, a writer of anime and science fiction novels. I love creating fantastic worlds and unique characters that I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading me. See you in the next chapter!

2023-12-30 入りましたUnited States







Fullmetal Wizard

Edward Elric had seen many wonders in his life, but none of them compared to the magic of his own world. Trapped in a mundane reality, he longed for a way to return to his family and friends. But when he stumbled upon a mysterious portal, he realized that going home would not be easy. He would have to face a dark and dangerous wizarding world, where his alchemy skills would be both a blessing and a curse. Accent Note: Due to the latest complaint on Ed's accent, here's bit o' the guide I have in my head. Please note- His accent gets worse when he's tired, upset, or even just uncomfortable --(Established in earlier chapters, and I didn't want to repeat myself in this regard-- perhaps I should have, given the numerous complaints I've received.) Things like this happen in real life all the time. The more upset he is, the less understandable he is, and the more likely he'll slip into speaking his native language, or even another he knows well. I believe I have already established that it sounds a lot like German, but it's not. It's a made up accent. I started with it in story, and I have to be consistent. I think it takes more than a year to get fluent in a language anyway, even when one is a genius. 'dh', 'd' when there should be a 'th' or a 't' -- means it's a really soft 't' that almost sounds like a 'd' but not quite. ending in 'ink' or even 'int' when it should be 'ing'- the 'g' is a harder than necessary 'g' 'vr' - 'r' at beginning of word. --kind of a like a puff of air right before the 'r' 'v' - 'w' 'vw' - closer to true 'w' usually only when he's calm and rational and can concentrate on pronouncing it right. Your author! llothcat

sKyarcsc · アニメ&漫画
117 Chs