~~ Waiting for Truck-kun ~~ helloo pretty people I am PilinyTheYounger (but you already know that) and I am also a rando author currently spamming books ~ bye, happy tuesday <3
I think 300 million is gonna seem scary no matter what happens
I wish I could do that with my money
sisi this is supposed to be a review not congratulations LOLLL but uhhh thanks a lot :)
C - cool book :) H - helloooooooo :D R - really good book keep making chapters pls O - overly underrated :O only 32k views how N - nice book lol I - I like it and will send you a powerstone later C - cool book again :) L - lice (I couldnt come up with anything sorry) E - epik S - suuper good the plot is so interesting so you get 5 stars from me
E - epikkkkkk C - cover is 10/10 bro has the best generator on the planet H - hiiii :) O - overly underrated how does this only have 9.6k views E - epik again :D S - suppppppper good I shall be sending powerstones
V - VERRYY GOOOOOD SIR I MEAN JUST BY LOOKING AT THE TITLE AND COVER I CLICKED THE FIRST CHAPTER AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT WOOHOOOO I - IVE BEEN WAITING FOR LONG FOR A DECENT VILLIAN BOOK HURRAH L - Like I could never :/ bros making all my books look bad but ahem ahem I love this book gj L - lion rawr (idk what else starts with L uhm) I - I leave a powerstone to you :) A - amazing I shall be returning N - noiceeeeee
E - epik booook :) V - very 5/5 I would give it like 10/5 but I dont think this website allows it O - ooooh my god how does this not have more views :/ M - masterpeice lol the writing style is very gud E - epik again C - coooool ill just add a powerstone here H - hi happy thursday
D - dont make me unemployed I dont think anyone will read my books compared to yours haha R - really good writing style keep it up A - amazing F - faaaaantastic idea even the synopsis is interesting T - Tpose S - super good you shall get my powerstones
V - very good book BRO YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IVE GONE WITHOUT SEEING A GOOD ISEKAI PLS YOU ACTUALLY SAVED ME A - amazing writing style 0---0 it feels like im actually there or something LOL I shall give you all my powerstones X - X-ray I uh couldnt come up with a word that starts with x so we just have this MAKE MORE CHAPTERS PLEASEEEEEEEE