The time scale is all bullshit. No way that you can read a new language only by hearing in just a week. Even less so learning how to read text with unfamiliar letters. And then write too. All that in two weeks. Whats next? He will learn swordsmanship in a day? While he is 3?
How the hell did he ask for it tho? He just started learning the language. And thats for speaking only. Also what does he need the library for? He can't read yet...
0,5% of carbondioxide already causes headaches, lack of concentration and nausea. 5% of carbondioxide is seriously toxic to the human body. So Daniel better have some way to generate fresh air for himself or he will die sooner or later. Even if he is a mage, oxygen is neccessary.
Ohhhhh, so he wasn't actually sent to the future? That was just a plan?
Of course it was her sister. Hope she finds herself with a dagger in her chest soon.
I mean I get it that he should have been sent to the future if what has been said before is true but, how far? Can he get back? What awaits him in the future?
Come on man. You are torturing me over here. This chapter should have come with like another 2 so we don't have to wait to know what exactly happened to Daniel. This is just cruel.
*the explosions will be reduced the moment those power counters were lost.
Ooof girl, stop! She is already down.
*...stepping over the RUG made out of your...