after finishing the chapter, makes you want to read the next chapter then and there. well done.
Great freaking chapter!! I was happy with Ajax, but jason... #chefskiss. freaking brilliant!! as I've said before well worth the read.
we all are human and have personal lives. sometimes, we have to step back a bit and access. I'm glad that you're back. honestly, this novel is Fire, and need more of it.
Brilliant! bloody freaking Brilliant, love it.
honestly guys this book is very addicting to read. once you start you're hooked and feining for new chapters. I warn you now, you will enjoy it.
well definitely loved this chapter. especially the creeper, that already got affected by his massive luck. btw you just created another privileged tier. kinda sly just when the month is almost over. to bad I'll have to wit til get paid to get the full upgrade. that's how good this story is.
this chapter was worth the wait in my book so far. can't wait til the other find out. Also aisha one of my favorites. I ❤️ this chapter.
oh the wait... good story. need more.
well that puts a twist in the story. I'm curious now on how it'll play out.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola