You could first try?
Sounds like you're just not using enough clones to me
He doesn't even need to use Chakra, just the full speed and strength combined with a vast repertoire of jutsu is enough
Democracy though? Democracy isn't inherently good, it's only on average far better than an autocracy. Unless that autocrat is someone good and competent. Which is rare, but in this case democracy could've come later. Now dumb people will slow things down. Now every decision must be voted on and debated. Dont get me wrong I'm 100% for democracy irl, but in this one case in the world of Naruto? Nah.
I feel like it's a missed opportunity to call himself the first "Light" of Konoha, whatever that is in Japanese. Cringe? Possibly.
The mc is a boring version of Madara that forced a pairing with Ciri. Power levels don't really make sense, but I went along with it. "Madara" needs a personality other than arrogant emo. Now there's this stupid power card idea, and he can end ANY fight. Effectively eliminating any suspense.
And end any fight immediately...