

2023-09-27 入りましたGlobal






  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_7781a day ago

    It's very bland.you can't feel anything even if you can read everything .mc Personally is very boring.the narration of story is very trash everything happened to fast and very conveniently .writer has no idea what he's writing.

  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_77813 months ago

    Man are you brain dead?? are you one of those edgy teennegers who likes edgy manipulative mc ?you mean society is dark so that justifies mc trashy personality or low level story.I thought this is supposed to be romcom story but what can I say?nowadays everybody likes edgy manipulative mc

  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_77815 months ago

    Very good chapter.

  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_77816 months ago

    After reading all chapters my opinion is : this is trash.I really didn't like mc personality ,his personality is too trashy.I don't message mind harem stories but the way mc manipulates and uses powers to win over the girls and his indifferent to world and characters are really annoying. All i want is happiness this prase doesn't justify what he did in dreams .At the start this feels like and interesting concept but eventually it become hella annoying and hikigaya and haruno are very interesting characters but one os almost non existent in story and second one is just there to get jealous.so many chapters and no character development and no romance chemistry all mc can do is manuplate character in dreams to like him.ahh my mind and eyes hurts so much I wasted so much time reading these trash.I have a request don't write another story again .

  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_7781a year ago

    Although story is great but mc is reincarnated soul and a genius and he wants to powerful enough to kill voldermort and what he is doing he can't plan and control his actions everything aside from his gryfindor friends and pranks he shruggs them off if you didn't want to seriously taking actions then why explore emotional sentiments with other girls and rawnclaw and hupplpuff is so invisible atleast mention something about them

  • Rohit_Parte_7781
    Rohit_Parte_7781a year ago

    It's story have a high potential, just don't stretch it.We have close to 50 chapters and harry doesn't reached the cannon story.The training arc are so long that they are becoming a bit boring and harry is just 11 year old , first broaden it's story to canon story then as time pass by increase his workload otherwise it's become less interesting.A story attractive point is it's character's different interactions and many story readers likes many characters interactions, dilogues and actions .l personally like long interesting interactions between characters than long training arcs . I skipped over many paragraphs because i read many stories over characters training but interactions between characters always are entertaining.So please make training chapter a few and character interactions chapter more