

2023-09-20 入りましたGlobal







The Fate Between You And Me

Love and destiny collide between Victoria, Williams, and Steve. The three love at least one person amongst them. But of course, two of them, Williams and Steve both had the same target. Coming from a middle-class family, Victoria doesn't have much of a difficult life through her school years. But it is still the same when it comes to lavishness, something that she doesn't enjoy. Being in her final year in the most prestigious university in the country, she is well known as the school belle, and she has a lot of admirers. she wishes to be one of the best journalists in the country. Williams comes from a low-class family. Although it's a family, it only consisted of two people, him and his younger brother. Williams had lost both his parents in a road accident. his family that was previously a middle-class family suddenly went down to a low-class family. The majority of the wealth that his family possessed was all snatched away by the greedy relatives. Thanks to the fact that Williams had the trait of saving, he had saved a lot from the monthly commission that he was given by his parents. And using the money, he managed to start a small phone accessories store. From the income, added to the scholarship that he had received from his impressive performance, he was barely able to carter for the school fees of the two of them and the daily expenses. Williams majored in photography and videography while in the university. This something that he had always dreamed of. Steve on the other hand comes from a high-class family. He is the typical rich young master. Just like Victoria, he was pursuing journalism and happened to be in the same class. he chased after Victoria, only to be rejected by her. Nevertheless, Steve never gave up. And, rather than using his family background to get her, he preferred to get her love in the most valid way possible. There exists a fate between two people amongst the three. The strings of fate are pulled to bring them together. But now, they are inside the love triangle, who are those fated to be together? **** A/N: This is my first novel. I hope that you can understand that. And, if there are any errors that I have made, please, help me to correct them so that I can present to you quality works in the future as well. Thank you. I hope that you enjoy this novel.

Ndoba_Philip · 都市
25 Chs