

2023-09-24 入りましたGlobal







  • WoS_Heaftclift

    By that logic can't he just give her some of his coins?

    Currently, Rain was preparing to hunt an Awakened Demon in order to absorb some of its essence and push her own toward Awakening. Such was the path most of the ancient people had followed, forging their fates in the crucible of combat. The fruits of the sacred tree contained essence, as well, so its existence was much more precious than the carriers of the Spell could ever imagine. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 WoS_Heaftclift

    without knowing* Sorry for my poor gramma.

    "I am very proficient in killing things, you know."
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Zora_Ackerman

    No. Maybe i phrased it wrong, ofcourse Shadow Slave has something to do with his true name but Cassie wouldn't know that. For her it would be just anorher true name, it was never stated that other true names work in a similiar way as Sunny, i in Cassies shoes would just think that he hid his true name to stay low. I don't see how she could ever makes such connection without nothing about shadow slave and she can't see that. All she can see at the moment are the aspect abillitys i think not sure tho.

    "I am very proficient in killing things, you know."
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Daeyn

    Also she manipulated alot of people in that Arc, i think its safe to say that she is almost ad good as Sunny.

    'Definitely Cassie's idea.'
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift

    Now i really wonder, is that what she did against the monster of the Dark Sea, at the end of Book 1?

    It was different from summoning soul flame or activating her Abilities. What she was doing was a derivative skill of her Aspect, something she had always been capable of, but only truly learned how to do in Twilight. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift

    why can't i trust this sleeper, now i think then Sunny and Nephis come back the Citadel will be taken and the Fire Keepers will be dead.

    "It might be for the better… I'll instruct my people to tend to your tree while we're gone. That said, time is of the essence. I suspect that these three Sleepers only lasted that long because of this young man's Aspect. He volunteered to venture out of their hiding spot thinking that he's the best person for the job, but the remaining two might be in danger without him. If they are still alive, we must find them as soon as possible."
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift

    Smells like a trap either from Song or Skinwalker

    "N—no! No, you mustn't! I'm… I'm not the only one! There are others, as well… we hid ourselves and clung to life for many days, but then, there was no more water. Someone had to go out to try and find help, and I volunteered…"
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Ajaxian

    poor Animal

    In one of the more prosperous districts of the city, a splendid-looking young man was sitting on a rusty bench, cradling a cup of luxurious plant-based coffee in his hand. Despite being dressed in light clothes, he didn't seem to be bothered by the cold. In fact, he looked like nothing in this world could bother him. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 APigCalledMorris

    lucky us

    She had been a constant presence in his life, from the moment he woke up in the morning. She would often even take part in his own dreams. At first, he had been scared by her intrusions in his thoughts, by all her questions about him and why he acted as he did.
    Supreme Magus
    ファンタジー · Legion20
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Castle_Gate

    Wow wouldn't wanna live in your presence, with your ethical thinking

    Visen's face lost its color, turning pale. Lith mercilessly handed him a big fluffy rabbit. Even though it was already dead, its big round eyes were staring at Visen as if the bunny was asking: "Why did you kill me?" 
    Supreme Magus
    ファンタジー · Legion20
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Heresy1

    Okay, how so? They have no brain and Nervous system, so not much to care about . Also if you care so much about plants life, become vegan because the animals you eat, are eating way more plants than we vegans do. So checkmate i would say

    'As for the second one, my guess is yes. Plants are living being too. Seeing how much mana has that small flower, I don't see why they shouldn't be able to evolve too.'
    Supreme Magus
    ファンタジー · Legion20
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Castle_Gate

    Sounds to me that with that logic almost everything and everyone can be food

    Visen's face lost its color, turning pale. Lith mercilessly handed him a big fluffy rabbit. Even though it was already dead, its big round eyes were staring at Visen as if the bunny was asking: "Why did you kill me?" 
    Supreme Magus
    ファンタジー · Legion20
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 tice

    nice argument, using that logic i can eat dogs, cats or even humans, nice thank you man

    Visen's face lost its color, turning pale. Lith mercilessly handed him a big fluffy rabbit. Even though it was already dead, its big round eyes were staring at Visen as if the bunny was asking: "Why did you kill me?" 
    Supreme Magus
    ファンタジー · Legion20
  • WoS_Heaftclift

    I am suprised that Modret stayed so quite in this nightmare, i thought that he schemed something while being trapped. Anyway nice chapter and amazing third nightmare.

    Ch 1580 What You Wished For
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift

    That dosn't sound good.

    The ketch sailed downstream, carried by the winds and currents. The Great River glowed with iridescent light, the world suffused with darkness. The silence was only broken by the sound of waves and the infuriating voice of the Sin of Solace, who seethed with hatred and whispered poison into Sunny's ear. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Ajaxian

    But if he destroyes his ears he can't hear any commands given to him

    That was alright. Sunny felt confident in his ability to kill an enemy who would become his master. It was being bonded to someone he loved, and thus could not eliminate, that was the problem. Being a slave to fate.
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Covinoc2

    Really good responds.

    "But… I hope that you make a different choice. That you will stay with us, despite everything. Nephis, I, and the others… are we so terrible? Is it really that unbearable, to share a bond, if it's based on trust? I think you know by now that it's not. What is unbearable is not having been given a choice about forming that bond, and now, even though the connection between you and her will remain the same… it will be there because you have chosen for it to exist. So… you decide. That right is yours, again."
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Frisk_Pichi

    just reread it your right sorry

    It was a wooden staff she had used on the Forgotten Shore — one of the three Memories from her First Nightmare. The Endless Spring was now with Sunny, the Evertwine was with Nephis, and only the staff remained in Cassie's own soul arsenal. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Frisk_Pichi

    no he transfered it to her a few chapters ago to clean up Effies blood

    It was a wooden staff she had used on the Forgotten Shore — one of the three Memories from her First Nightmare. The Endless Spring was now with Sunny, the Evertwine was with Nephis, and only the staff remained in Cassie's own soul arsenal. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree
  • WoS_Heaftclift
    に返信 Frisk_Pichi

    i think he meant that cassie gave the endless spring back to sunny

    It was a wooden staff she had used on the Forgotten Shore — one of the three Memories from her First Nightmare. The Endless Spring was now with Sunny, the Evertwine was with Nephis, and only the staff remained in Cassie's own soul arsenal. 
    Shadow Slave
    ファンタジー · Guiltythree