

2023-09-17 JoinedNigeria



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"You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy.... ********* Summer Hales, a young woman with a complex past, found herself entangled in a web of responsibilities, dropping out of school to undertake multiple part-time jobs solely to alleviate the burden of her brother's escalating hospital bills. Her resilience was encapsulated in the phrase "Rudeness ain't only for the rich," as she navigated life with a blend of boldness and subtlety. In matters of the heart, Summer was paradoxical. She approached love with an unwavering commitment, yet harbored a devious edge when consumed by hatred. Behind her facade of courage, fearlessness, strength, and fierceness lay a vulnerability shielded from a world that had previously wounded her. "Never fall and keep tall" became her daily mantra, a testament to her determination not to succumb to vulnerabilities. On the other hand is Lucian Stuart, a formidable and emotionally guarded man in Los Angeles. He embodied power, disdain for love, and a reputation as a stern figure with a penchant for retribution against those who wronged him. Despite societal expectations and the call of circumstance, Lucian found himself in need of a wife, a notion at odds with his aversion to love and women. Fate, however, wove an unexpected narrative, pushing Summer and Lucian into a contractual alliance—a temporary marriage born out of necessity. The intriguing question now lingered in the air: Could love blossom between two individuals with starkly different perspectives on life and love? As Summer and Lucian navigated the complexities of their arrangement, the answer unfolded in the intricate dance of emotions, challenging preconceived notions and reshaping the contours of their lives.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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16 Chs


"What did you say?" The startled Tiffany asked as she clutch onto the chair she was on. "Marry me" Frederick repeated and that got her getting out of her seat. "But why? I already told you why I pretended to be Sarah" she replied wondering why he's asking to marry her when there are thousands of girls wanting to be with him. "And I told you that I don't care. What I care about is that I marry you and marrying you I will. I mean it Tiffany, you will be my wife forever " ***** It all began with a dare. A dare which change Tiffany Hilton life for good. While attending a school reunion gathering, Tiffany was dared into dressing up as Sarah Morgan. Sarah being a rich model who was currently visiting their city. Being some one who who does not like losing to a challenge, Tiffany sneak into Sarah's room and dress up like her but what she didn't expect is that she will be mistaken to be Sarah. And it just so happen that Sarah is meant to attend a blind date that day. Since they mistook her to be Sarah, Tiffany has no choice but to attend the date as Sarah. And that's where she meets Frederick Davis, a rich business tycoon who turn out to be Sarah's blind date. Tiffany did her best to end the date as soon as she could but every crazy thing she did got Frederick more interested in her. Noticing his interest in her and knowing that she's just an imposter pretending to be some one else, Tiffany escape from the date hoping to never see him again. But then some thing happen which brought her back into his life and this time Frederick decided to keep her by his side and never to give her the chance to escape from him.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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24 Chs


Sold to a club, as a stripper by her own parents, at the age of 18. Ariana Cyril, thinks she have seen the worst of life, but got the shock of her life, 3 years later, when she heard the news of her arranged marriage with, Dion Castor. The New York richest billionaire bachelor. He is a ruthless and heartless play boy, who just appear from nowhere to dominate the business world, as he is with no background or past criminal records. Considering how rich he is, Aria should be happy that she is getting married to a wealthy man, as she is from a poor family, but due to his cold and bad reputation, she is dreading the mere thought of it. Determine to get herself out of her parents mess and saddened by the news of her, getting married to a stranger, She went to a club, far from where she works, to take a few drinks and forget her problem a bit. But she end up getting drunk and meeting a hot, handsome, daring young man, who set her heart, body and soul on fire, with his sweet touches, deep voice and caresses. One thing leads to another, and they had a fun filled night of passion. Waking up the next morning, with an awful headache, she finds out that she is alone in the room stark naked, with nothing to keep her company but the memories of what happened in the night and a little white note on the bed that states "I'm coming soon to take you home! Be prepared. From Lucifer" Waving it outside as a mere bluff and laughing at the odd name. 3 months passed, without hearing from the handsome man who have filled her thoughts and dreams with his handsome face and thoughts. On the 4th month, when she have start going back to her old self, the guy she had a one night stand affair with, appeared, with a ridiculous proposal.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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22 Chs

Heartstrings of Love: Law of Affections

In the hallowed halls of America Law School, Valentino Tucker stood out like a beacon of charisma and allure. He was the embodiment of a Lover Boy, a magnetic force that drew the attention of every girl in ALS. Despite a lack of stable relationships, Valentino possessed the uncanny ability to have every girl wrapped around his fingers, earning him the endearing moniker of the Love Doctor. His appeal extended far beyond mere looks; Valentino was a package of charm, intelligence, flirtation, and undeniable sexiness. In the corridors of ALS, he was adored by every single girl, creating an atmosphere where his presence alone could set hearts aflutter. Among his numerous admirers, Vanessa Clark, stands out as the exception. Vanessa detested Valentino with a passion that surpassed any other disdain in her world. However, beneath the surface, an unspoken mutual understanding lingered between them, an enigmatic connection that defied explanation. Vanessa, akin to Valentino, was the epitome of beauty with brains. Her allure wasn't just physical; she wielded a savage wit when necessary, exuded sassiest, and possessed a captivating, curvaceous body that left guys mesmerized at her feet. Yet, Vanessa was no lover girl; she found the antics of playboys irritating, with a particular aversion to Valentino that concealed a mysterious origin. The dynamic between Valentino and Vanessa was reminiscent of Fire and Ice—two contrasting forces, parallel lines destined never to meet. Their interactions were charged with tension, creating an electrifying atmosphere in the corridors of ALS. As the enigma of their connection deepened, the question lingered: What did fate have in store for these two individuals, seemingly bound by an unseen thread that defied their divergent paths? Only time would unveil the intricate dance between Valentino Tucker and Vanessa Clark, a narrative written in the complex script of destiny.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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17 Chs


Her life was perfect. Well, almost perfect. As the reigning academic star in her college set, she consistently outshone her peers, earning the title of the best student with grace and intellect. Her journey through academia was marked by dedication and a thirst for knowledge, leaving an indelible impression on both her professors and fellow students. But it wasn't just her academic prowess that contributed to the tapestry of her ideal life. She possessed a love story that seemed to have been plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Her romance with Jeremy, her steadfast boyfriend, was the envy of many. Their relationship was a harmonious blend of companionship, understanding, and unwavering support, forming the backbone of her happiness. Beyond matters of the heart and mind, she embodied the essence of an independent college lady. Her confidence, self-reliance, and determination were evident in every aspect of her life. Velvet, as she was affectionately called, became synonymous with the term "beauty goddess" on campus. Her charisma and elegance turned heads wherever she went, making her a beacon of inspiration for others. However, just at the beginning of her last year at college, the narrative took an unexpected turn. Something happened that would challenge the very fabric of her perfect existence, introducing an unforeseen twist that would test her resilience and redefine the course of her life. Her father get involved in a drastic accident, and this have to put a stop to Velvet's college. Being determined to finish school, Velvet plan to work per time and she started in a club. As if working per time is not enough, During her working time, she received a call about her brother in danger. What really happened? Just that phone call changed her life. Just that phone call turned her to an unexpected chef. What was the phone call about? Would her life ever remain the same? Well, find out in this intriguing story. You don't wanna miss it!!

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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10 Chs


Tiffany Green, once a celebrated socialite, possessed a reputation that transcended national borders, and her beauty was renowned worldwide. Despite her youth, she garnered respect and admiration due to her remarkable achievements. However, the zenith of her life took a drastic nosedive in a single night, transforming her from a beloved figure into the most despised woman in the country. The catalyst for this downfall was a scandalous revelation—Tiffany was discovered in bed with a man who was not her fiancee. Unbeknownst to Tiffany, her stepsister and fiancee had orchestrated a cunning trap, leaving her stranded in a web of deceit with no means to prove her innocence. Abandoned by her family, Tiffany found herself with no choice but to leave the country, vowing to return and exact revenge on those who orchestrated her downfall. The burning question lingers: will Tiffany succeed in her quest for revenge? As she navigates a path filled with betrayal and adversity, Tiffany's resilience and determination become the driving forces behind her pursuit of justice. In a startling twist, Tiffany discovers that her night of infidelity with a stranger has led to an unexpected consequence—pregnancy. This revelation adds layers of complexity to her journey, forcing her to confront not only those who wronged her but also the impending responsibilities of motherhood. Tiffany's choices and actions in the face of this revelation will shape the course of her revenge, making her journey a riveting tale of betrayal, redemption, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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4 Chs


Georgia Sterling's life, at a mere 22, had already taken a tumultuous turn. Her father's hasty introduction of a new woman and her 21-year-old daughter into their lives, just three months after the tragic loss of Georgia's mother, set the stage for a harrowing tale of betrayal and ambition. Amidst this familial turbulence, Georgia discovered herself ensnared in a bitter rivalry with her step-sister, Ariana, whose covetous eyes were set on everything that belonged to Georgia. The love she once shared with her father seemed to evaporate in the wake of her mother's passing. A sense of abandonment and the struggle for paternal affection became the undertones of her daily existence. Little did she know, the most challenging chapters of her life were yet to unfold. On the other hand is Dylan Donavon, the wealthiest and most enigmatic businessman in the city. Their paths collided in a twist of fate, as Georgia found herself entangled with a man who exuded power and ice. The revelation of her fiancee's betrayal, orchestrating her placement in Dylan's bed, shattered the remnants of trust she held. A one-night stand with the city's youngest billionaire further complicated Georgia's life. The dynamics between them became a complex web of desire, revenge, and unexpected emotions. Would Dylan, a man whose heart had long rejected love, succumb to the potent force that Georgia embodied? As their lives interwoven, questions loomed. Would Dylan's formidable presence be defeated by the allure of love? Could he, a man seemingly immune to matters of the heart, become intoxicated by Georgia's spirit? Together, would they forge a path of revenge against those who had wronged her? In the clash of emotions, power, and intrigue, Georgia Sterling's journey unfolded against the backdrop of a city pulsating with both ruthlessness and the possibility of redemption.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs


“Just make me yours, forget my class, have me already Bryce, nothing will go wrong, I promise.“ Holly said as she blink her big eyes seductively standing on just pants. Holly's plea echoed through the room, a desperate plea that transcended the boundaries of societal norms. At just nineteen, she was the epitome of youthful exuberance, a first-class high school student with dreams as vast as the horizon. Her heart, however, had been claimed by someone seemingly incongruent with her world – Bryce, a twenty-two-year-old scholarship student navigating the labyrinth of academia on limited means. The contrast between them was stark, one adorned in the privileges of a first-class life, the other grappling with the challenges of financial constraints. Yet, love, an intangible force, paid no heed to such disparities. Holly's confession, made in the vulnerable twilight between youth and adulthood, carried the weight of rebellion against societal expectations. Her words, uttered with a mixture of passion and defiance, laid bare the intensity of her emotions. "Just make me yours," she implored, a simple yet profound request that sought to dismantle the barriers separating their worlds. In that moment, the allure of societal class faded into insignificance, overshadowed by the magnetic pull of love. The setting itself mirrored the complexity of their situation – Holly, standing in just pants, symbolizing a stripping away of societal conventions and revealing the raw, unfiltered desires of the heart. The blink of her big eyes, seductive yet innocent, captured the dichotomy of youth in love, navigating the uncharted territory between impulsive passion and the promises of a shared future. Bryce, burdened by the weight of his financial struggles, found himself at the crossroads of responsibility and desire. Holly's promise that "nothing will go wrong" hung in the air, a fragile assurance in the face of uncertain futures. He believe rich girls who fall in love with poor boys without background only exist in fairytale but holly is ready to go extra miles just for him. Their story, a narrative woven with threads of love, defiance, and societal expectations, unfolded against the backdrop of a world that often dictated the terms of such relationships. As Holly stood vulnerable yet resolute, and Bryce grappled with the complexities of reciprocating her feelings, the unfolding chapters of their lives held the potential to challenge, redefine, or perhaps transcend the constraints imposed by their divergent circumstances. She is ready to go beyond fairytale, but is Bryce ready?

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs


Alexander and Jessica's lives had unfolded along distinctly divergent paths, shaped by disparate backgrounds and molded by contrasting personalities. Their worlds collided at the intersection of a shared anxiety—both harboring an acute fear of entanglements and commitments in the realm of relationships. This fear, deeply rooted in their pasts and experiences, became a formidable barrier to the prospect of any meaningful connection. Yet, fate took an unexpected turn when Alexander Benjamin, a man of immense wealth and a reputation as a playboy, emerged as a pivotal figure in Jessica's life. The scenario seemed implausible when Alexander, faced with the imminent need to secure a bride, set his sights on Jessica Peter. The reason behind this unlikely proposition lay in the approval of Alexander's discerning grandmother, who found in Jessica qualities befitting the stature of the Benjamin legacy. For Jessica, the sudden intrusion of Alexander into her world brought about a seismic shift. The initial shock transformed into apprehension when Alexander, driven by urgency and an unyielding determination, resorted to a coercive tactic. Threatening Jessica by leveraging the fragile well-being of her ailing mother, he created a situation where compliance became the only viable option for her. Reluctantly, under duress and with a heavy heart, Jessica found herself acquiescing to Alexander's demanding terms, setting the stage for a relationship born out of necessity rather than choice. Somewhere along the way, Jessica discovers she is pregnant but is unsure of the father's identity. Afraid of becoming a subject of ridicule if her husband or anyone else discovers the truth, she decides to terminate the contract and venture to a foreign country to start a new life with her child and family, leaving behind her friends and the love of her life, Alex. She realizes she has fallen deeply in love with Alex, and suspects he feels the same way. Alex had even planned to marry her again. However, burdened by her secret, she cannot face him and chooses to escape. Will Jessica reunite with Alex? How will she react when she unravels the truth about her child's father? Can she find it in her heart to forgive him for everything? Find out in this thrilling tale.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs


"Oh come on Aliyah.... It's just a dare and nothing more" Cassie nudged me. "I know but you know I can't... I really regret playing the game with you guys" I cried out. "It's not even that bitter,,, just four glasses of vodka that's the dare" Veronica added as I shrugged. "But you know I can't do it..... I don't take alcohol cause I can't stand it" I refused bluntly. "I told you guys that Aliyah is just a baby have you forgotten? She can't fit into the game" Gina teased me. It was only a dare..... In the midst of a tumultuous night, young Aliyah Dela Cruz, a twenty-year-old college student and the sole heiress to the affluent Dela Cruz family, found herself entangled in a one-night stand that would alter the course of her life. The evening, etched into her memory with regret, marked the loss of her virginity to an enigmatic stranger, leaving her with more than just emotional scars. As the revelation unfolded, the consequences proved to be even more profound – Aliyah discovered she was pregnant. This unexpected twist stemmed from an ill-fated encounter with none other than the sworn enemy of the Dela Cruz family. The party that seemed like a fleeting escapade became the catalyst for a complex web of familial drama and forbidden love. Aliyah, despite her privileged upbringing, now faced the challenges of impending motherhood and the tumultuous dynamics between the two feuding families. The narrative promises a riveting exploration of love, betrayal, and the intricate ties that bind us. The story of Aliyah Dela Cruz's unexpected journey into motherhood unfolds against a backdrop of wealth, rivalry, and a secret that threatens to unravel the fabric of both families. Embark on a compelling journey and unveil the captivating saga that awaits in this intriguing narrative – a story you won't want to miss.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs


ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds as an enthralling romantic-action saga, an intricate tapestry of supernatural elements set against the backdrop of 1990s Europe. The narrative casts a spotlight on a cadre of young warriors, characterized by their unwavering bravery, immense strength, meticulous precision, extraordinary power, and an inherent gift that sets them apart. These individuals, driven by an innate sense of duty, stand ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of their city and its inhabitants. As the story unfurls, the idyllic existence of these formidable warriors is disrupted by an ominous threat looming at the edges of their cherished city. Sinister creatures, embodying the primal fears of the night—wolves and vampires—have breached the protective walls, casting a dark shadow over the once-tranquil surroundings. The city, once a haven, now finds itself besieged by the encroaching danger, pushing the young warriors to the forefront of a battle not only for survival but for the very soul of their homeland. In a departure from the conventional narrative where protagonists may succumb to fear or uncertainty, these warriors are far from docile bystanders. Fueled by an unyielding determination, these fierce individuals, akin to relentless vixens, choose not to cower in the face of impending peril but instead take a bold and proactive stance against the encroaching darkness. Their unity becomes a beacon of hope, and their individual strengths intertwine seamlessly to form a formidable force against the supernatural onslaught. Against the evocative backdrop of the 1990s—a decade marked by cultural shifts and emerging technologies—the narrative weaves together elements of love, sacrifice, and supernatural prowess. As the story of "ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds, the audience is taken on a riveting journey through a landscape where romance intertwines with the adrenaline-pumping action, creating a rich and captivating tapestry that transcends the boundaries of time and genre.

Daoistl476bw · LGBT+
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5 Chs


In the dark underbelly of Italy, the enigmatic figure known as Scorpion d'Arezzo casts a chilling shadow across Rome. His name alone sends shivers down the spines of those who dare utter it. At a mere 24 years old, he's not the typical loud and flashy type found in the underworld, but rather a silent predator who navigates the treacherous world of crime with lethal precision. Alongside his sister, he commands the notorious Gambino Empire, holding sway over the entire city. Scorpion's reputation as one of the most formidable figures in the Mafia is well-earned. His approach to death is an art form; he doesn't merely bring it, but embodies it. The very aura surrounding him is a foreboding omen, a silent death wish waiting to be fulfilled. With a speed that defies belief, he can extinguish a life in a mere two seconds, making the act of taking two minutes seem like a wasteful extravagance. On the other hand is Rosella Keys, a young and virtuous detective agent. Her commitment to staying on the side of justice is unwavering, and her skills are unmatched. However, fate takes a sinister turn when she becomes entangled with the very embodiment of darkness she has sworn to combat. The collision between Scorpion d'Arezzo and Rosella Keys is a clash of worlds, a dance between purity and malevolence, where the question lingers: Did the Devil cast a spell on her, or is she destined to navigate the treacherous waters of sin in pursuit of justice? What happens when she finds out she's hellbound? What happens when pureness turns to unholiness? What happens when dirty attractions starts getting involved? What happens when his death becomes her cravings? What happens when the game gets twisted?

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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5 Chs


After discovering the painful truth about her unfaithful boyfriend, Tessa Reyes sought solace in the pursuit of tranquility and healing. The Tropical Love Garden, with its vibrant flora and serene ambiance, became the sanctuary where she hoped to mend her shattered heart. Little did she know that amid the blossoming flowers and rustling palm leaves, destiny had a surprising encounter in store for her. In this idyllic setting, Tessa crossed paths with Connor Hank, a man whose piercing green eyes revealed both sincerity and undeniable interest. From the moment they met, a magnetic connection sparked, and the chemistry between them was palpable. Connor's unabashed expression of attraction was a breath of fresh air for Tessa, who had endured the betrayals of her previous relationship. As the day unfolded, Tessa and Connor explored the Tropical Love Garden together, sharing laughter and meaningful conversations. The soothing surroundings seemed to mirror the blossoming connection between them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of warm oranges and pinks across the sky, Tessa found herself drawn into Connor's embrace. What began as a day of seeking solace transformed into a night of intense passion. The Tropical Love Garden, witness to their burgeoning romance, became the backdrop for a new chapter in Tessa's life—a chapter filled with unexpected love, healing, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. "It's just a one night stand!" Tessa yelled and that got Connor pulling her into his arms. "It is not a one night stand! No matter how much you try to taint that night with your words, it won't ever be that " Connor said, flashing his perfect green eyes at her. Tessa thought him to be her Mr Right and was willing to give him a chance but that ended when she found out about his lies. Tessa left the resort with the hope of never seeing him again but as fate will have it they ended up meeting when she began working in his house. And this time Connor made a vow to keep her in his life permanently, will he succeed? What do you think Connor lie is? What do you think will happen when Connor's brother decide to make Tessa his too? Grab your Popcorn and then fasten your seat belt cause it's gonna be a long sweet ride.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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6 Chs