Oh so the mc is shitting and farting powers left right and center and can kill anything that blinks below level 3 by the second day of the trial -_- buddy you got to chill with the op shit op is nice but creating a new level above overpowered is too much
The story is nice and cool but the character conversations are cringy beyond belief and they seem like being forced to be funny when it is not and the author portrays the mc as a smart calculating person when he is farthest from being one and is like a 5 year old in an adult body with how he acts with his allies and people around him
What is with spouting skills and powers like they are pokemons every few chapters the mc is shitting new powers and the main power of the story which is chaos devourer had been forgotten my opinion the writer has to focus on a couple of powers (quality over quantity ) this is stupid tbh
I reached chp 266 and thus far its a webnovel version of 50shades of grey minus the sex acts being explained, im sorry author and i mean no offense but either you lack intimacy in real life or you need to get a wank off before writing chapters because this is total wack instead of development in the story or fights or whatever you just fill each chapter with that cringe worthy intimacy and from the novel’s title and discription this is not a romance novel but hey you do you mr author you have a gem on your hands but you are covering it with cringe
I just found this story and it started well but then the romance became too much and too cringy, some romance is great but everyone is banging left right and center in the nitis planet wtf is this sex planet i came to read what i thought was action fantasy magic, not a magic space 50 shades of grey version minus the explicit details well ill try to push through lets just hope the cringe romance tunes down
This story is amazing but please dont turn it into another cultivation shitty story its all magic but the cultivation powers like spiritual attacks are sneaking in oh for gods sake dont ruin this story with that please
Dear author you have an unpolished gem of a story and your messing it up with too much useless details and repetitive information and please for your sake and everyone else’s stop with the excuse: he needs to get used to his skills and power it’s getting ridiculous the mc is stuck on his power level and keeps winning against everyone oh come on at least make it somewhat logical no matter how op the mc is winning against people 3 lvls above him is abit stupid now 1 lvl difference is understandable but 3 thats abit much even for cultivation novels Either you are not paying attention and forgot and you are going with the flow or you need to polish you views on mcs in general sorry for being harsh but I feel that the cold hard truth is needed here