


Why is this website so horny?

2023-09-04 入りましたGlobal









  • Caeci

    What happened to living thy mother? How blasphemous.

    Pressing his hands to her skin, Dick activated Life Absorption. "I'll ease your passage, mother," he whispered.
    Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System
    ファンタジー · Rqmk
  • Caeci

    If any of you understood botany you'd understand this. Have you any idea what wood does??

    [Life Absorption: Absorb life force from beings weaker than yourself, enhancing your own vitality.]
    Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System
    ファンタジー · Rqmk
  • Caeci

    Chekov's gun

    Ch 129 A snap
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    This reminds me of the Butcher of Arad, the Tiger of the Habsburgs, Julius Jacob von Haynau! One of my favorite 1848 Generals next to Radetzskyy!

    It was a brutal scene, but something that Iosif had to do to regain the royal's power over this region. He had to strike fear into the hearts of every person while also reassuring the law-abiding subjects that times had changed, and the king would take care of them. However, despite everything, the people seemed hopeless and only thought that the dynamic of power had changed again; nothing would change in their everyday lives. They returned to their daily routines as if nothing had happened, they had already grown accustomed to this brutality. It was always like that and soon, it would change again.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci
    に返信 DaoistFxbWKR


    When he came to know about Darius's murder, Alexander felt sad about the way that such a respected and great enemy had met his end. Because of that, he decided to give him a full burial ceremony at Persepolis, the former ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire. In the following year, Alexander then pursued and killed the one responsible for Darius's assassination.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Wow! I'm still at awe at the perfection of the battle. Especially I think the Mamluk Horse Archees and the Kheshig Horsemen are units close to Mongolian Horse Archers in battle!

    Henry built this cavalry inspired by Genghis Khan's incredible Mongol horde, known for its remarkable speed and agility that let this wandering community conquer vast lands of the known world, such as a substantial part of Europe and almost all Asia. The Battle of Legnica in 1241 was a defining moment for the Mongol Empire, defining their legacy as they stretched their lands further and causing havoc on the world, leaving their horses' tracks on the grounds of Europe.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Justinian II is part of the Heraclian Dynasty, not the Justinian Dynasty founded by Justin I and the Dynasty Justinian I the Great is from.

    He had also pursued costly military campaigns in order to satiate his arrogance and his desire to become the only true emperor, disregarding the sentiment spreading across his subjects. He had participated in costly military campaigns, persecuting the nations that opposed him, occupying their lands and turning their people into slaves. Some of these actions were not well received by his subjects and culminated in a rebellion overthrew him from power, contributing to the decline of the Byzantine Empire during that period.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci


    On Earth's history, there were numerous examples of the downfall of rulers due to their arrogant and detached personality. Henry had read once about the Emperor Justinian II, the Slit-Nosed, who ruled the Byzantine Empire in the 7th century. Justinian was known for his haughty attitude, one who would use torture and execute those who dared to disrespect his image and threat his authority.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Luther reminds me of Harald Hadrada.

    The old man behind the young man gave off an immense pressure, forcing the confident and arrogant groups bow down in respect. Marcus and Zuna, the most powerful ones, tried to resist, but Luther's aura was too much for them. The ground beneath their feet cracked, but they still bowed down.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Mobility and range.

    "My first step will be to establish a swift, well-trained cavalry capable of launching surprise attacks and executing quick retreats when necessary," - He declared, formulating his plan to achieve victory. – "The other steps will be concluded together with this one."
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Ew ew ew ew ew!

    The sewages were dark, damp, and reeked of the filth that flowed through them. Leier had to hold back the urge to vomit as she strode through the putrid water, where some were frozen and some were still in liquid form, thanks to the warming environment. But, she had to keep moving forward, no matter what.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci
    に返信 Volkov

    Her descendants or successors won't be as lucky though

    "Prepare yourselves, they will attack soon!"- She screamed, snatching a bow from a nearby soldier - "And remember this: if each of you don't claim at least three enemy lives before they reach our walls, I will not hesitate to exterminate your entire families."
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci
    に返信 Owkcoal

    17th and 18th century fire arms are a good balance specially, since milee tactics aren't discarded even with these weapons, and the culture in this world seems to prioritize melee combat anyway.

    The universities would allow him to expand numerous areas, like health and military forces, maybe he would even be able to develop a modern fire gun, changing the course of this world, like when the Chinese discovered gunpowder. Education was the better way to construct a better future for his people and achieve his dream of becoming someone who could change the world with his own hands, like Alexander, Genghis Khan, and Julius Caesar.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    So there are 100 people with tribal tattoos, but only 50 of them are barbarians.

    One of the most fearsome groups within Henry's army were the soldiers who had received a Tribal Tattoos, accompanied by fifty barbarians. They had received the blood of Winter Orcs, granting them a strength beyond their limits. They were able to tackle multiple enemies at once and emerge victorious.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    I can't help but picture Guiscard or Roland.

    The young man was a commanding presence, with his long, unkempt black hair and piercing grey eyes. Standing at a tall six feet, his well-toned physique was evident even through his black fur clothing with its red details, including a red cape that flowed down his back.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    This reminds me of the Nicean Empire reclaiming Constantinople with Michael VIII Palaiologos and resurrecting the Eastern Roman Empire.

    The existence of Icemit could provide to the merchants the opportunity of greater profits, as they brought only enough food for a two-day journey and then restocked their supplies in Icemit, which resulted in more space to bring the products.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    So basically he's going with the state owned approach but with nominal freedoms of trade. Kinda like what's China doing now.

    Instead of destroying them, Henry made a strategic decision to utilize the merchants to his advantage. He established the Sun God Company, which brought all the merchants under its banner and provided them with subsidies, while also taking a cut of every transaction made by the company and holding the right for a casting vote. This move greatly stimulated trade in Stahl, as Henry was even willing to open the royal treasury to lend the merchants money with a favorable interest rate. Henry saw this as a way to both develop the kingdom and benefit from the merchants' transactions, envisioning a rich nation.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    No self respecting monster will attack 3000 opponents lol. It makes sense no attacks occurred.

    The size of the group made the journey back to the capital take longer than Henry had anticipated. Despite being physically strong, the barbarians were weighed down by the few possessions they carried, making it difficult for them to move in the forest and to walk on the snow. Fortunately, they encountered no attacks from beasts or any other massive threat.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci

    Does it grip?

    Death Spiders were a formidable and deadly creature, known for their ability to conceal themselves in the shadows. Their upper half appeared as a beautiful human, with a sleek and slender body, but their elongated fingers and pointed ears betrayed their almost human appearance.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist
  • Caeci
    に返信 Stoicist

    Yes, but paper during the medieval era was more expensive than just selling the books, unless if the printing press was already invented or a better way of making paper was found out.

    However, in recent decades, due to economic, military, and societal issues, as well as increasing losses to barbarian raids, Henry's ancestor was forced to sell all their information to the empires in the Central Region, who eagerly acquired this knowledge. They had always been curious about the wonders hidden inside the Forest.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    軍事 · Stoicist