Should stick to warp related powers. It’d be boring to just give her a multitude of unrelated abilities.
Might’ve been interesting to have made it similar to what happened to Rudra
6.5/10 Chapter 11 Rimuru has his abilities weakened which I actually like it allows for him to get creative with his abilities. Sadly the author isn’t too good at writing the MC even with his combat abilities significantly lowered. The mc still has a stronger than average physique but the author rarely puts that to use. The Mc also rarely uses Raphael and has trouble “controlling” his powers which he shouldn’t because of Raphael. His own combat skills without his quirk were never stated but he should be quite proficient in whatever he does because he has Raphael. So that’s about the only thing I don’t like, for example he could have taken the nomu head off or just straight up consume it instead of just eating its arms.
Just to balance things out a bit here’s 5 stars. It’s unfortunate people are like this there’s no need to be so rude and if you’re going to give a one star do so for a good reason.
Chapter 5 right now. 6.5/10 The MC is not Slanesh, she’s a purple girl with horns with the only warhammer thing mentioned is the power of chaos which hasn’t been brought up with the only mention of it being from her system stats. A personal thing I don’t like is the Mc lost their memories of Marvel and their past relationships. Now usually I find the way character development is done on this site in most novels tedious and able to be skipped. I like competent MCs who aren’t dumb or make childish decisions but I feel like making her forget such things to be lazy writing on your part. Now she is just more competent than your average child but in the end is still a child making the fact she reincarnated redundant in my opinion. I will not drop this and I know 5 chapters may be too early to judge but I feel as if this can be done much better. If the story does improve then I am sorry for being impatient but just know author people judge the first few chapters which are supposed to contain the “Hooker” is what I think it is called.
Her yelling is forced and unrealistic. I don’t know what you’re trying to do with the character but if you want to give Natasha more hints about the MC and her powers there is no need to dumb down the MC for it.
It is a very good novel, one of the best I’ve seen on this site. Very few mistakes in the writing and some translations issues. You would need to have read lotm already to fully understand and enjoy novel which should be no problem since most people have read it. I would recommend this to anyone who’s read lotm.
Surprisingly really good. I was actually prepared to drop the novel because the first few chapters were meh but unknowingly got invested and binged the whole thing in one night. The story is good but I do think the MC can do way better with the power he has but I think the author just has to many to write about. For example he’s basically immortal as a pheonix and as a Zerg hybrid he has biokenisis and can control people and act as a hive mind. There’s also the Black Light virus which I don’t know what it does but I remember it being overpowered. As for the reading experience it’s really not that bad. There’s misspelled words every now and then but it’s not unbearable nor does it make it difficult to understand. I give it a 8/10 because honestly the MC could do much better with his given powers but other than that but overall the story is good it’s a surprising quality for WebNovel. Shame it’s been a year since last updated but do give it a try.
I don’t understand Marks thought process they attacked first, unprovoked, intending to conquer their planet. They’re an advanced civilization that to the people of earth seem to get stronger every few hours and are clearly a threat. Yet Mark doesn’t kill them all and leaves them alive with no assurance that they won’t come back stronger and for revenge. How can you simply trust a hostile alien civilization to not attack? If he truly wants Earth to be safe he should’ve killed them all because leaving them alive only leaves the threat left unchecked where they’re capable of learning and growing from their past failures which means higher chances of success next time they invade.
Biomass effect