Mobile App requires a verification code to be sent to my (temporary) email, so I was forced to make a new account...
The hell have you been smoking? It's from over-using Stealth Boys, not bloody eating them... If you're talking about the Chewed Up Stealth Boy... That's just some just one cave worth of Nightstalkers. (Coyote + rattlesnake creatures.)
Can confirm btw.
Because OP was never writing fanfiction, just stealing pre-written fics to drip feed & add Patreon ads into.
To be fair... You could probably poof yourself. A cracked Lapis trapped in a mirror managed to not be corrupted. (It's debatable whether being cracked OR being trapped in a mirror was enough to avoid the Corruption Update™ from being downloaded. Either way, it worked.) Anyway, just manage to poof and bubble yourself (last part probably needs a friend's help or a lot of tech tinkering) and then a Rube Goldberg machine to pop the bubble in like 10 years time.
Speaking of future changes, there's EXCEDINGLY low odds of the canon Steven being born.
Yo! Rescue Spinel arc? Let's go! (Not gonna lie, based on how Spinel fought during the movie... As a Gem not designed for combat... She'd go ham during the war. Tbh, two of my go-to S.U. isekai ideas are to be an "Era 1" Peridot or Spinel.)
Confirmation that MC knows what universe they're in. Can't wait until MC starts smuggling broken parts to tinker with. (Let's be real, Limb Enhancer tech could be scaled up to full on Iron Man armor, but still keep the versatility of Limb Enhancers. Like going full Iron Spider Armor mode, or just spamming 'telekinetic' fingers at foes like you're Kimimaro from Naruto shooting finger bones.) I mean, or just to automate their job.
Oh, I think I see how the synopsis saying "wouldn't be so bad if they'd stop giving me more work!" comes into play. MC's too competent, and thus being assigned even more work.
Ah, now the choice of a "lawyer Gem" being a "middle manager type" makes more sense. Sheer attention to detail... Perhaps that's the true role of a Zircon? So some specialize in the legal system, and others more 'mundane' roles.
Interesting, a non-lawyer Zircon. (Granted, we don't explicitly know that the role of Zircons is ONLY lawyer-ing. Aside from background characters in the SU games, we only know of two Zircons, so it's a safe assumption that Zircons follow the Gem rule of, "X Gem only does Y role.") I would've expected a Gem more akin to Demantoid, but maybe Zircon is close enough to a "middle-manager" role?