They exist (will probably make an appearance in future chapters)
They'll be Expert Gold like the vipers Grehha created. A race has to develop lots before it can reach Deity status. The current Brood Mother cannot spawn anything like a Deity
Sumatra's rule applies here. So, the limit is spawning Expert Gold
It's a Nature plus Human Avatar transformation plus Prana (Human Avatar is a battery for Prana)
No effect on them, since that was Inala's intention. He wanted them to develop on their own, since he already gave them too many benefits (Including Yarsha MT)
Thank you for the three colas!!!
Not the current Leukeu. But future Leukeu, after some more exploring with this power set, yes.
Fanfic!!! Less goooooo~!!!!! Write more, Vardhan, write faster! Excited to see how it'll turn out. PS: I agree on the statement, 'Weaponisation is so peak'