Fanfiction author
Suspicous? Who? Me? *looks around completely unsuspicous-like*
slide the seat alllll the way back
There has been some speculation that David´s Sandy that we see on the show is a mashup of two implants, maybe a Kerenzikov. It also seems to imply at times that the super-speed part of it is only a small part at the top that connects to the brain stem. This is supported by the ingame and wiki depictions of a Sandevistan. So Simba wouldn't need to replace his entire spine IF he chose to make use of it.
Latest chapter is up on my Patreon, it´ll be uploaded here as well within a week.
I have something really cool planned for the Beserk!
Huh, that works out pretty well actually!
Except they aren´t, of course.
Say whaaatt??
Why not?
Haha, man I love Todo