The stars burn cold, the heroes weep, The world moves on, as time must pass. The gods are dead, yet their echoes keep, Whispering softly… of The One Who Was.
"Who cares about them?" You know how boring a fight would be if the enemies are nameless background extras? 💀💀 Imagine, "MC dodged, MC struck background character A, MC dropped under a sword thrust, MC kicks background character B" 💀💀 If you've read till here, you should know I always take a chapter or two before a big fight to flesh out the opponents to at least 'some extent.' I also did for Alexia vs Michael vs Samael fight during the Evaluation Exam. I did it for Willem and Alice vs Samael during the Team Test. I even did it for Thalia vs Samael, both before and after it. Writing a fight with nameless characters is boring, reading it is even more so. If you don't care about that, next time wait until you see the fight scene at the start of the chapter before unlocking it. (On a side note, don't let a novel ruin your entire day, man 💀)
Yeah, that's true, agreed
Wow someone finally drew a parallel. I didn't think I'd see the day. Here's your reward — a like from yours truly. The rarest of treasures, the most sought-after prize. Cherish it 😌 (But no, seriously, nice)
You'd be surprised to know... this didn't even make the top 10 💀
Yes, I fixed it now. Since I write and edit on different tabs, I pasted the same scene twice by mistake. Apologies.
Yes there was. Read the author's note. I fixed it now
You’re right about the first point. I realized that *after* I had already written this chapter. Maybe the janitors only come in to work early in the morning, haha. I see where I messed up. As for the second point, the guards would have informed the sister about what happened as soon as she came out of the office. They would have told her how Samael practically picked a fight with them and then ran off to "complain to his father." She likely assumed he had already left, confused by his erratic behavior.