

2023-04-14 入りましたGlobal







The Alpha's Redemption

As she ran through the gloomy, tangled woodland, leaves crunching beneath her feet, Hazel's pulse raced in her breast. Fear overcame her as she turned around and saw Alex, her former mate, close behind her. The person she had once loved turned into her most significant threat, and she couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Hazel, you can't run forever!" Alex's voice, rife with rage and desperation, resounded through the trees. "You can mate with me, or you can die!" As Hazel pushed herself harder and became more determined to escape, her breath came in frantic gasps. The idea of being forced into a relationship with someone who had been so ruthless and oppressive was too much for her to handle. The person who was meant to love and care for her, her mate, had turned into a monster. "You can't hurt me or anyone else; ill save my people, I promise!" Hazel responded with a cry that was tinged with defiance. "I'd much rather die than be with you!" As Alex's footsteps approached, he grabbed her arm to stop her. Hazel broke free, her face covered in tears as she was driven by fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to keep fighting and running for the sake of her survival, for the entire supernatural beings, and for her mate,  whom she vowed to protect. Hazel kept running with a resolute purpose, desperate to reach safety and freedom from the cruel fate Alex had placed upon her. No matter how severe the situation, she would do whatever it necessary to survive, to save both her life and the life of her mate and the entire supernatural beings.

Midnight_Shadow_5813 · ファンタジー
6 Chs