Thanks for uploading the full story 😄
I finally reached where I left off a few months ago 👍🏻
Thanks for the chapters! I hope you post all of story 👍🏻
Also, the story is not racist, but rather anti-racist in a strange way.
Thanks for adding the story again 👍🏻. This story is one of the best alternate history fictions I've read. Usually alternate history fictions try not to do something like this because it's a controversial subject ,but this really is an original story .
I've been checking for almost a month to see if you add this story again, thanks 👍🏻
Hi, I noticed you added the story again, thanks. I remember that I was at chapter 230 or so.👍🏻
Post the the other stories back ,please 🥲
Look, can you really not post the stories again? I actually check every day for almost a week to see if you posted the stories back.😔. It is what it is🫤