I certainly understand that a deluge of low-quality works has warped your sense of storytelling, dulling your ability to dive into the depths of events or unravel the meaning behind words and actions before the author lays it bare. But rest assured — this work will teach you to think for yourself. Fail to do so, and you’ll be utterly lost in the intricate depths, with plot layers plunging four to six levels deep.
Everything after 6 season of Clone Wars are Canon, before are Legends (I don’t remember if comic about Maul is Legends but probably it is). And also it will be difficult for you to read Legends. Too much content. I suggest you to read everything about Thrawn first. Outbound flight, Thrawn’s trilogy, books about Isard and just everything about GCW.
Less chapters this week, technical difficulties I have. And also big release of my own work next week.
Both variants are correct, if to be more precise.
No, it's said correctly.
It’s canon only planet. There is no such planet in Legends. And this work is Legends only, no Canon.
Too much chapters for you this week? If so, next week I can make less.
Also fixed all the errors. And question: you don't see added images? because most of the images that you post are already there.