Eh, would have been more word count to say ///Author’s Note/// lol
Dang, I was seen through immediately lol
It’s the part of the lower back where there spine is located.
Well we just broke chapter 20 and I figured now is a good time for a shameless author review. If you have any questions about the novel feel free to post them here and I will answer them. This is a big project for me and months has went into the plot and characters, preparing for the release of the novel. The story is a mix of sci-fi futuristism with a fantasy backdrop and setting. There will be an element of romance but mostly action and adventure. I love writing fighting scenes and using my expressive writing have a lot of fun bringing them to life. The cast will be expansive and each character will have their own unique style and personality that I thrive to bring them to life for your enjoyment. There will be many twists and turns as the plot progresses and becomes more fleshed out, so stay on your toes. Get ready for a long and exciting journey! We just started and it’s full steam ahead!
The 11th from last paragraph shows a year time-skip
lol yeah, that’s why I uploaded two today, this was just to give everyone an update on our MC
What a novel! Galanar out here on a raid of WSA!!