riots for humans rights violation by shooting walkers happened which was a breeding ground for the walkers so police died first for trying to contain the riots and the looters died by walkers too
yo this is self contradictory y said military arrived right after u left for rick and then walkers got in cus they got wiped out from civilians
The book is good with slight difference from his original novel TWD. Hey author lemme give sum ideas OK, so like in ftwd 11 states had riots requesting national guard and for Atlanta pls watch tales of walking dead cus it shows what happened in one of them
in the bigger cities they knew to shoot in the head it's jus that the cops shot them in public causing riots and protests for human rights
I just saw that there was like only 11 states reporting for help due to mass protests and riotings it was on like ftwd in the 2nd episode, 11 governors requested national guard assistance in the beginning
there's an episode filler based on how he made the noodles with their rivals challenging them or sum
yo thanks for the effort it's tuff and I'm getting hyped
yo stop rushing it I'm on like chapter 5 go slow and do detail
Yo please make this good, I believe in you the first one wasn't that bad since it got the main story going and continuing. What I mean is in your novel FTWD and TWD they didn't focus on parts that could be used like tales of the walking dead which is official lore. And please just try to make it more detailed like emotions, plot etc although I loved your last TWD novel
Hella options u can do with it