yes because of tywin i started camparing lannister family to targeriyan. But after House of dragon and some search from wiki i got know they just nrml and rich family . literally tywin is monstar in politics . Still i hate him😡
yeah .but womans need more freedom now day . Just they doing stupid things because they don't have anything to do
they just destroy the show . i mean i cannot watch the show again because i know what gonna happen .
wonderful chapter but you can add more politics in it . That will fun to read ..
dreaming is free .so you dream how much you want .
fried rice should be consider is he find rice
geroge is not the creator of the he is only writer .creator is different
actually there is say horn can make dragon there slave . but t don't think dragon and silverfyr are normal dragon . dragon should be extinct to this date but they born for some resason.
bro . its getting degraded .😔🤮
please author realeas more chapters .i am fan of your this fan fic. most solid fanfic for GOT.