Don't mind me.. i'm just admiring the beauty of the cosmos..
Too many lusting over Julien! Leon and Delilah already, soon Atlas and Caius will join the harem..
People be like: He is 14!! How cAn he mAke sUch ratiOnal dEcisioNs? He sHould be nAive and gullllible!! lol
Caius is blonde too XD
It was a great fight, respect to Kaelion as well
At this point of the chapter everyone thinks he'll lose, but turns out he still hasn't used his greatest cheat: his plot armor
A cookie worth dying for
I guess it's like that. And maybe it's better this way, a lot less drama and no one gets their heart broken
Would the real slim shady please stand up!
Bro thinks he is Goku
Indeed the entire point of this tournament is for our mc to flex XD