


I hate harem stories ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2022-08-26 入りましたGlobal







  • Random_exe
    に返信 Shadow_Storys

    Damn , he really took his time with the character development , does he still remain paranoid about everything ?

    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    ファンタジー · Devil_Hex
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Salazarson

    if I remember correcty , at the time i was very into this fanfic because of how much realistic it is in the emotional and characters's reactions department ( maybe combat was a bit unrealistic, but nothing too crazy for the world of asoiaf ) , yh but i stopped reading after it started deviating from that .

    Game of Thrones: Orphan
    書籍·文学 · YellowScarf
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Random_exe

    and tobirama isn’t a fool ( well aside from his hate for the uchiha lineage , but no one is perfect right ? )

    "I understand that Nagito-san" Said Kazuki in response lightly, he knew that none of the clan heads here were against him as they had no reason to be, even in Sarutobi's eyes he saw regret of conducting this trial.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 AlwaysHigh

    Lwhat do the clan leaders have to do with his trial , as you have read they apologized and seemed reluctant to attend it but yh lets antagonize then for no reason just to make my self feel better for a couple minutes instead of being more mature and accepting their apology to cool things off a bit . only a fool pursues avoidable trouble

    "I understand that Nagito-san" Said Kazuki in response lightly, he knew that none of the clan heads here were against him as they had no reason to be, even in Sarutobi's eyes he saw regret of conducting this trial.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 DonGuirit

    it just wouldn’t feel right man , some people just don’t feel good about "stealing" they have something called a conscience

    "Well~ let's not go into who came up with that jutsu and just try to master it" Responded Kazuki to the question put forward by Kushina with a slightly embarrassed look in his eyes, he didn't want to answer this question at all.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 LeonardoDiCaprio1

    thats not how the third was shown to be like in canon naruto , you are just speaking some fanon right now

    Ch 75 Chapter 75 Request
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Indra_

    Wrong again

    Minato and Kushina with konoha headband around their forehead were busy having a talk with Nawaki, who had grown taller over the last two years standing at 155 cm. {Previous 140cm}
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Random_exe

    oh my bad btw 170 is about 5'7 cause it says in your calculator that 170 = 5.57 not 5.50

    Out of the hokage building right under the hokage mountain stepped out a figure around 170 cm tall with a sword fixed on his back, his silver hair rustling due to the breeze.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Random_exe

    Or you can calculate it yourself , 1 inches ≈ 2.54 cm

    Out of the hokage building right under the hokage mountain stepped out a figure around 170 cm tall with a sword fixed on his back, his silver hair rustling due to the breeze.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Indra_

    anyway what you calculator says is that 170 cm is 5.5 of a foot , which is 5 foot and half of a foot , half of a foot is : 6 inches 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Out of the hokage building right under the hokage mountain stepped out a figure around 170 cm tall with a sword fixed on his back, his silver hair rustling due to the breeze.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe

    Everytime i find myself needing to teach some commentor how to do simple math

    Out of the hokage building right under the hokage mountain stepped out a figure around 170 cm tall with a sword fixed on his back, his silver hair rustling due to the breeze.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Yamazkiontop

    Literally dude , like some of the comments in the last few chapters are either said as a joke and if not then the commenter must really have no idea about how the ninja life is

    *He's getting more and more distant from the family.*
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 AlwaysHigh

    Nope i think you are mistaking the danzo template for tobirama , why make enemies when you can make allies , only a fool or an angsty teen ( a somewhat of a fool but its a phase ) would want to make enemies with family heads instead of befriending them

    "I understand that Nagito-san" Said Kazuki in response lightly, he knew that none of the clan heads here were against him as they had no reason to be, even in Sarutobi's eyes he saw regret of conducting this trial.
    Konoha: The Template System
    アニメ·コミックス · Tobi_444
  • Random_exe
    に返信 DaoistCHANGEE

    I dont even remember what was it i commented on here , so yh rejoice with that little feeling of accomplishment you got from insulting me , cause i am not about to go back and read this chap just to replie to you .

    Each time when he bought the materials, he had bought it from different shops under different disguises. Of the 5 shopkeepers he met, he had observed that one of them seemed greedy and with loose morals. He thought, 'I can't continue the expenditure on Fuinjutsu. Probably another 4 months before I'm totally broke. So I'll have to sell my scrolls. Trouble is, whom to sell. I can't give out my identity and I'm not sure if any shopkeeper will agree to buy without knowing the seller. Sigh, I'll have to approach the one with low morals and greedy nature. Luckily, one of the shopkeepers fits the bill. Unless he has put up a facade, so I should take some precautions. Preferably, I should send a clone under Transformation jutsu.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    ファンタジー · Devil_Hex
  • Random_exe
    に返信 I_Am_Death

    and my question at the time irc was how is he gonna get stronger because the cultivation technique wasnt anything special aside from the hobo killer part

    However, the book promised strength, which my current self sorely lacked and needed. I was in a world where everything basically wanted to kill me, and the idea of having a nearly immortal body was rather tempting as I had no intention of dying.
    One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode
    アニメ·コミックス · Wicked132
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Rishav_Saha_1096

    Oh thats nice to know , didn’t read that far then, from where i stopped it just felt like alot of plot holes , but still there is his horrendous personality that is enough to keep me from going back to reading this

    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    ファンタジー · Devil_Hex
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Schwarz_Sama

    its been a while since this comment , i am pretty sure you missunderstood me , i meant from his already given features and description he shouldn’t be called "cute" as it doesn’t align with the previously mentioned

    The warning from that cute guy, Chen, had made her heart pound. Her teammate may be in danger.
    Playing Firebending (Legend of Korra SI)
    テレビ · blazuki
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Grey1

    Takes too long to update

    Game of Thrones: Orphan
    書籍·文学 · YellowScarf
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Tatsuya_Everflame

    interesting, but i actually take my knowledge on this from the islam teachings , it teaches that adam and eve were the first humans created by God , and the thing about eve is that we believe she wasn’t like any women that came after her as she had a blessing of giving birth to only twins male and female back then .

    The discovery bigoted curiosity. That curiosity drove Cain to start killing people and studying their anatomy, flesh, blood, nerves, tendons, and everything in between as he realized we were all flesh and bones under all that skin.
    One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode
    アニメ·コミックス · Wicked132
  • Random_exe
    に返信 Grey1

    I am a fan of good stories , ( i dont read this one anymore tho :v)

    Game of Thrones: Orphan
    書籍·文学 · YellowScarf